This class was created by Brainscape user Erendira Ceballos. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

lecture one and two
What is inductive reasoning,
What is deductive reasoning,
Limitations to induction
27  cards
lecture three
Rough timeline for life on earth,
46 billion years ago,
45 36 billion years ago
17  cards
lecture four
Eukaryotes characteristics,
10  cards
lecture five-
Compared to most prokaryotes how ...,
Explain the value of compartmenta...,
Golgi apparatus cis face vesicles...
20  cards
lecture six
Why are proteins able to be so st...,
What are the components of each a...,
How are polypeptide chains formed...
13  cards
lecture seven
Fatty acids,
17  cards
lecture 8
What is passive transport and wha...,
What is the difference between pa...,
Be familiar with the mechanism of...
13  cards
lecture 9
What is required of any protein t...,
Binding of glucose to glut 1,
Lactose to lactase
22  cards
ames test quiz
What is the ames test,
16  cards
lecture 10- Energy study guide
Chemical energy,
Electrical energy,
Thermal energy
19  cards
Cytosol of cytoplasm,
First step,
Sep two
8  cards
What products remain at the end o...,
Does it involve a change in locat...,
Since only eukaryotes have mitoch...
8  cards
Where are the reactions involved ...,
How has that organelle evolved to...,
During electron transport what do...
7  cards
other- cellular energy
We produce 25 3 atp nadh and 15 a...,
How efficient is metabolism what ...,
Where does most of the other ener...
7  cards
As we drill down which cells in t...,
What types of electromagnetic rad...,
What are the main types of pigmen...
15  cards
signal transduction
What are the three main parts to ...,
What is the basic mechanism for l...,
How do they get turned off
22  cards
Where in the body are insulin and...,
What type of signaling molecules ...,
What is the difference between ty...
6  cards
After receiving a signal via neur...
1  cards
cytoskelteon part one
Intermediate filaments
13  cards
cytoskelton part two
What do all these motor proteins ...,
For kinesin and dynein what is th...,
What is the basic cytoskeletal st...
11  cards
pGLO and pUC
What is gfp where is it naturally...,
What is a plasmid what is a recom...,
Explain the difference between pg...
26  cards
DNA history,relication, transcription and translation
Why do scientist though proteins ...,
Griffith s transformation experim...,
Hershy and chase
37  cards
protein sorting
What signal does mrna to pass deo...,
What mechanism do proteins use to...,
How does the nuclear transport re...
10  cards
gene regulation
What is epigenetics,
How do are cells that have identi...,
What are the main protein compone...
27  cards
cell cycle
What are the three main checkpoin...,
G0 why would a cell want to enter...,
Platelet derived growth factor pdgf
26  cards
What is zoonotic transfer,
Why were sars and mers able to be...,
How does the exterior of the viru...
12  cards

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bio 2.1

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