bio 130.01 genetics, lecture

This class was created by Brainscape user Edgar Daniel Dela Peña. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Chapter 10: DNA Synthesis
A method of replication where eac...,
A method of replication where two...,
A method of replication where the...
62  cards
Chapter 12: Genetic Code and Transcription
True or false the code is unambig...,
Enables the production of synthet...,
Type of rna that is composed of o...
64  cards
Chapter 13: Translation and Proteins
Biological polymerization ofamino...,
This class of molecules adapts sp...,
Three consecutive ribonucleotides...
103  cards
Chapters 16: Genetics of Cancer
True or false cancer is a genetic...,
True or false although some mutat...,
True or false another important d...
86  cards
Chapter 15, 17, 18, 19
A model proposed by jacob and mon...,
How does laci gene regulates the ...,
Because transcription occurs only...
246  cards
Chapter 7: Linkage and Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
True or false in completely linke...,
Determine what types of gametes a...,
True or false frequency with whic...
25  cards
Chapter 8: Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria and Bacteriophages
The nutrient components of this g...,
Can synthesize all essential orga...,
A bacterium that lost the ability...
42  cards
Chapter 9: DNA Structure and Analysis
What are the four major character...,
Once the genetic material of cell...,
Requires the molecule to act as a...
67  cards
Chapter 11: Chromosome Structure and DNA Sequence Organization
True or false viral chromosomes c...,
What type of chromosome does x174...,
What type of chromosome does poly...
52  cards
Chapter 14: Gene Mutation, Repair, and Transposition
True or false a mutation can be d...,
True or false mutations that occu...,
The type of mutation that involve...
98  cards
Chapter 1: Introduction to Genetics
This theory states that an organi...,
This theory argues that the sperm...,
It is believed that that the sper...
80  cards
Chapter 2: Mitosis and Meiosis
Are segments of the dna that code...,
Is organized into chromosomes whi...,
Characteristically defined by the...
138  cards
Chapter 4: Non Mendelian Genetics (Modifications in the Mendelian Ratios)
A mutation in a genes that causes...,
When a mutation causes a complete...,
Total loss of function mutation c...
67  cards
Chapter 3: Mendelian Genetics
In this approach a scientist uses...,
What were the reasons for choosin...,
These strains have traits that ap...
52  cards
Chapter 5: Sex Determining and Sex Chromosome
True or false the continuity of a...,
He identified nuclear structure i...,
He showed that some of the sperm ...
76  cards
Chapter 6: Chromosomal Aberrations
Alteration of the genetic materia...,
An organism gains or loses one or...,
What causes aneuploidy in organisms
87  cards

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bio 130.01 genetics, lecture

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