bio 110 - anatomy & physiology

This class was created by Brainscape user Jennifer Consitt. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

LO 1
Define anatomy,
Define physiology,
What is the relationship of anato...
39  cards
LO 2
Chemicals are in the form of ____...,
Regions surrounding the atoms nuc...,
What determines the atomic number...
48  cards
LO 3
Human cells ______ in size and shape,
What is the basic composition of ...,
Describe the plasma membrane
59  cards
LO 4
______ is anatomically simple but...,
______ is another name for the sk...,
_________ is the integument when ...
70  cards
LO 5
What are the five functions of th...,
How many bones are in the adult h...,
What are the four main types of b...
34  cards
LO 6
What are the 6 major bones of the...,
What are the divisions of the spi...,
What is the purpose of the curvat...
44  cards
LO 7
Movement is caused by the ability...,
Muscle cells shortened by convert...,
What are the three types of muscl...
83  cards
LO 8/9
List the organs of the nervous sy...,
What are the two main divisions o...,
What are the two main divisions o...
90  cards
LO 10
Describe the endocrine system,
What are the two types of glands ...,
Describe the path of hormones in ...
61  cards
LO 11
Blood is a liquid connective tiss...,
Describe blood plasma,
List the plasma proteins most abu...
47  cards
LO 12/13/14
Describe the structure and positi...,
Describe the atrium atria,
Describe the ventricles
61  cards
LO 15
What are the structural elements ...,
Describe lymph,
Describe lymphatic vessels
40  cards
LO 16
List the respiratory organs,
What are the functions of the res...,
What are the organs of the upper ...
49  cards
LO 17
Describe the overall structure of...,
What are the functions of the dig...,
Describe the wall of the digestiv...
52  cards
LO 18
List the structures of the urinar...,
Describe the location of the kidneys,
Describe the internal structure o...
46  cards
LO 19
Describe average body water,
Why does total body water vary,
List the fluid from least to most...
32  cards

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bio 110 - anatomy & physiology

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