This class was created by Brainscape user Sydney Newsome. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Topic 1 - Themes And Concepts In Biology
What are the common characteristi...,
30  cards
Topic 2 - The Nature Of Molecules And Water
Atomic number
72  cards
Topic 3 - Biological Macromolecules: Proteins
Why is carbon important,
List the functional groups and th...,
Describe the structure of hydroxyl
61  cards
Topic 4 - Lipids, Membranes, and Membrane Transport
List four functions of lipids,
What are some examples of lipids
62  cards
Topic 5 - Cell Structure and Function
Cell theory,
Cell size,
As a cell increases in size its s...
43  cards
Topic 6 - Nucleic Acids and DNA Replication
Nucleic acids,
What are nucleic acids composed of,
46  cards
Topic 7 - Cell Reproduction
What are the functions of cell di...,
Prokaryotic cell division,
What do eukaryotic chromosomes lo...
39  cards
Topic 8 - Carbohydrates
What is the function of carbohydr...,
What is the monomer of carbohydrates
18  cards
Topic 9 - Energy Transformations
How do animals obtain energy,
How do plants obtain energy,
23  cards
Topic 10 - Cellular Respiration
Cellular respiration,
What is the chemical equation for...,
What are the four main steps of c...
22  cards
Topic 11 - Photosynthesis
What is the chemical equation for...,
Where does photosynthesis take place
21  cards
Topic 12 - Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction
Under what environmental conditio...,
Under what environmental conditio...,
What is meiosis
19  cards
Topic 13 - Patterns of Inheritance
What was the significance of mend...,
Dominant trait
22  cards
Topic 14 - Modern Understanding of Inheritance
Chromosome theory of inheritance,
Explain the difference in gene ra...,
What determines the likelihood of...
11  cards
Topic 15 - Ribosomes and Protein Synthesis
Central dogma of gene expression,
6  cards

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bio 101

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