This class was created by Brainscape user Eilidh G. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

1) a) health and safety
Define a log dilution,
Define a linear dilution,
Control measures include ________
4  cards
1) b) liquids and solutions
Describe a log dilution,
Describe a linear dilution,
Describe the addition of an acid ...
6  cards
haemocytometer + colorimeter
What is a haemocytometer,
How do you calculate the percenta...,
What does a colorimeter do
3  cards
1) c) separation techniques
What does a centrifuge do,
What can paper and thin layer chr...,
The speed in which each solute tr...
11  cards
1) d) Detecting Proteins using Antibodies
Immunoassay techniques are used t...,
What does immunoassay techniques use,
What does the label do
7  cards
1) e) Microscopy
When is bright field microscopy used,
Fluorescent microscopy uses _____...
2  cards
1) f) Aseptic Techniques
Aseptic techniques eliminate,
What does aseptic techniques involve,
How can a microbial culture be st...
11  cards
2) a) proteome
Define the proteome,
Why is the proteome larger than t...,
The set of proteins expressed in ...
5  cards
1) b) i) synthesis and transport of proteins
Describe eukaryotes internal memb...,
Describe why internal membranes a...,
What does the endoplasmic reticul...
6  cards
1) b) ii) Synthesis of Membrane Compartments
Where are proteins and lipids syn...,
Which part of the endoplasmic ret...,
State a difference between smooth...
7  cards
1) b) iii) movement of proteins
Once the proteins are in the ____...,
As proteins move through the golg...,
What is the major modifications
6  cards
1) b) iv) secretory pathway
Examples of secreted proteins,
Describe the process that secreto...,
What does many secreted proteins ...
4  cards
2) c) ii) amino acid sequence - protein structure
Amino acid structure determines,
Proteins are ______ of amino acid...,
Amino acids are linked by what bo...
4  cards
2) c) ii) Ligand Binding
Define a ligand,
_ groups not involved in _______ ...,
__________ _______ will have ____...
12  cards
2) c) iii) Reversible Binding of Phosphate
0  cards
3) a) membrane proteins
What is the plasma membrane compr...,
Describe the head and the tail of...,
Integral proteins
24  cards
How do multicellular organisms si...,
Examples of extracellular signall...,
Receptor molecules of target cell...
7  cards
How do multicellular organisms si...,
Receptor molecules of target cell...,
Binding changes what on the recep...
3  cards
Hydrophobic Signal and Control of transcription
Define transcription factors,
How do hydrophobic signalling mol...,
Examples of hydrophobic signallin...
4  cards
ion pumps and generation of ion gradients
When is a membrane potential an e...,
For a solute carrying a net charg...,
Ion pumps such as the sodium pota...
8  cards
cell cycle
Describe the prophase stage,
Describe the metaphase stage,
Describe the anaphase stage
8  cards
control of the cell cycle
Progression through the cell cycl...,
What are the roles of checkpoints...,
What are cyclin proteins what is ...
12  cards
nerve impulse transmission
What is the resting membrane pote...,
What is the value for the resting...,
The transmission of a nerve impul...
14  cards

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