This class was created by Brainscape user Omer Taha. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (39)

Pelvic Anatomy - BGDA
What are the 3 main joints of the...,
What are the three ligaments of t...,
What is the pubic symphysis
48  cards
Female Reproductive Anatomy - BGDA
Where do the ovaries sit,
What supports the ovaries,
What are the ovarian artery and vein
60  cards
Male Reproductive Anatomy - BGDA
Where do the testes initially dev...,
What is the gubernaculum,
What are the surfaces of the testes
67  cards
Male Reproductive Histology - BGDA
What are the 4 main components of...,
What are the intra and extra test...,
What is the mediastinum testis
50  cards
Female Reproductive Histology
What are the key functions of the...,
What are ovaries,
What are the 4 key structural ele...
43  cards
Gametogenesis, fertilization and preimplantation development - BGDA
What are the four phases of gamet...,
Where are pgcs formed and when,
What is the initial movement of pgcs
49  cards
Implantation, placentation and establishment of basic body plan
What is the first step in implant...,
What do trophoblastic cells do wh...,
What are the mediators of initial...
67  cards
Development of ectoderm derivatives and the nervous system
Why is the embryonic period impor...,
What is the cranial blind end of ...,
What does the oropharyngeal membr...
65  cards
Development of endoderm and mesoderm derivatives
What is the location of the endod...,
What is the main organ system der...,
What are some other derivatives o...
39  cards
Cardiac embryology
What are the two pericardia of th...,
Which two layers is serous perica...,
What are the three layers of the ...
73  cards
Physiology of male reproduction
Where is sperm produced,
Where is sperm matured,
Where is sperm stored
21  cards
Physiology of female reproduction
1  cards
Maternal physiology
What is human chorionic gonadotro...,
Which cells secrete hcg,
What are the functions of hcg
49  cards
Foetal physiology
What is considered low birthweight,
What are reasons for low birthweight,
What are the values for vlbw and ...
38  cards
Physiology of labour - at or before term
What does expulsion of the fetus ...,
What does the myometrium consist of,
Why does the myometrial bulk incr...
48  cards
Adaptation of the newborn to extrauterine life
1  cards
Gene Function 1 - Replication and Transcription
What is replication,
What are the raw materials needed...,
What does replication start with
31  cards
Gene function 2 - Translation
What is transfer rna trna,
What is the anitcodon,
What is the enzyme that adds a sp...
23  cards
Signal Transduction
What are the 3 stages of cell sig...,
What are the 3 origins of cell si...,
What does paracrine signalling in...
23  cards
PCR and individual variation
What is pcr,
What does pcr require,
What are the three steps of pcr
15  cards
DNA damage, repair and mutation
What is a mutation,
What are mutations caused by,
What is the effect of substitutions
15  cards
Growth and differentiation of cells
0  cards
Genetics 1 - Mendel's Laws
0  cards
Genetics 2 - Mechanisms of inheritance
0  cards
Genetics 3 - genetic prediction and diagnosis
0  cards
Genetics 4 - Population genetics
0  cards
Enzymes, vitamins and cofactors
0  cards
Folate and B12 metabolism
0  cards
The cervix in health and disease
0  cards
Pathology of the female reproductive tract
0  cards
Chronic inflammation
0  cards
Sexually transmitted infections
0  cards
Microbiology of PID
0  cards
Reproductive pharmacology
0  cards
Cholinergic mechanisms 1
0  cards
Cholinergic mechanisms 2
0  cards
Adrenergic mechanisms 1
0  cards
Adrenergic mechanisms 2
0  cards
Infection Screening in Pregnancy
What is the 1 cause of congenital...,
What is vertical transmission,
How can vertical transmission occur
7  cards

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bgda lectures

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