This class was created by Brainscape user Livvy Dalby. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Durkheim totemism study,
Evaluating durkheim
13  cards
Stats for secularisation 2,
Stats against secularisation
18  cards
Pentecostal christianity,
Why are ethnic minority groups mo...,
Bruce cultural defence and identity
8  cards
Rejection of metanarratives,
10  cards
Hierarchy oppressive,
Hierarchy liberating,
Teaching and roles oppressive
14  cards
Social Action
How are social action approaches ...,
Weber calvinists study 4
4  cards
Traditional Marxism
Marx on religion,
Marx 2 ideological functions
8  cards
Religious Organisations
Substantive definition,
Functional definition,
Social constructionist definition
26  cards
Belief system- Science
Key characteristics 4,
How does science challenge religion
6  cards
Belief system- Ideology
Key characteristics 4,
How do ideologies challenge relig...
6  cards
Religious Fundamentalism
Fundamentalist religious organisa...,
How can we explain the growth of ...,
Cultural defence
7  cards
Neo Marxism
Approach to religion,
Main beliefs 2,
Gramsci 2
7  cards
Religion as a revolutionary force
Revolutionary force,
Mcguire religion can lead to soci...,
Mcguire 4 factors which influence...
5  cards
Impact of social change on beliefs/practices
Wilson 3,
Bruce 2,
Postmodernity and globalisation
3  cards
Churches 2,
Denominations 2,
6  cards
Patterns trends,
Voas and crockett 2,
Ageing effect
6  cards
Influence of religion on gender s...,
Patterns 2,
Why are women more religious than...
5  cards
Religiosity in the uk,
Religious resurgence 3,
Decline in religion
14  cards

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