This class was created by Brainscape user Roisin Mousa. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Evidenced Based Dentistry
What is pico and what is it used for,
What are the evidence levels from...
12  cards
Diet Advice
What are the types of sugar,
What are examples of nonmilk sugars,
What is the recommended amount of...
8  cards
Why do we want px to use electric...,
What is the importance of good oh,
What kind of manual brush do we r...
10  cards
How does neglgience happen,
What is clinical negligence,
How do we prevent accusations of ...
3  cards
Protected Characteristics
What are the 9 protected characte...,
Which gdc standard refers to the ...,
What are examples of reasonable a...
5  cards
What are the major roles of epide...,
What are the types of epidemiolog...,
What are the measures of frequency
7  cards
Complaint Handling
How do you prevent complaints,
How should you address poor denta...,
How should y
8  cards
Which standard refers to consent,
What is the criteria that should ...
8  cards
What are the 3as,
What should we aks a patient about,
What questions should we ask to o...
11  cards
Domestic Abuse
What is domestic abuse,
Who are the at risk groups for do...,
How should you manage domestic abuse
7  cards
How is alcohol metabolized,
What are the effects of alcohol,
What is the recommended safe alco...
12  cards
What are causes of stress,
What are symptoms of stress
4  cards
Oral cancer
What are the risk factors for ora...,
What are the 2 types of oral cancer
2  cards
What is clinical governance,
What are the dimensions of health...,
What are the components of clinic...
4  cards
Behaviour change & breaking bad news
How do we encourage guided change,
How do we motivationally interview,
How do we deliver bad news
3  cards
OSCE Questions
Describe to a patient the effect ...,
How many units per drink,
Motivational interviewing alcohol
3  cards

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bds5 pmhp osce

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Roisin Mousa's BDS5 PMHP OSCE flashcards for their University of Glasgow class now!

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