bds5 periodontology osce

This class was created by Brainscape user Roisin Mousa. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Classification of Periodontal Diseases
What are the guidelines for treat...,
What is the minimum treatment for...,
Why do we classify
79  cards
Aetiology and Pathogenesis of Periodontitis
How does the state of symbiosis d...,
Describe healthy periodontium,
Describe the pathognesis of gingi...
9  cards
Consenting patients for periodontal disease
Explain gingivitis to a patient,
Explain periodontitis to a patient,
Explain aim of tx to patient
9  cards
Oral hygiene instruction/BPE
What is the etiological agent of ...,
Define plaque induced gingivitis,
Define periodontitis
44  cards
Mini Sickle
What type of instrument is the mi...,
What is the cross section of the ...,
What kind of point does the mini ...
8  cards
Columbia Curette
How does the columbia curette look,
What makes the columbia curette u...,
What are the areas of application
6  cards
What is the hoe,
What are hoes shaped to permit,
How many hoes are required to giv...
10  cards
What makes the gracey suitable fo...,
Why is the gracey useful over the...,
What are the design features that...
18  cards
Seating Position
For the buccal surfaces of the lo...,
For what sextants should you be s...,
For the lingual surfaces of the l...
12  cards
Six Point Pocket Chart
What bpe codes require further in...,
What can be recorded in the six p...,
When should the six point pocket ...
27  cards
What teeth are mpbs done on,
3  cards
What does healthy gums do matter ...,
What is an engaging patie,
What figures define optimal post ...
92  cards
Restorations for patients with periodontal disease
Why is periodontal stability impo...,
What is supracrestal attachment,
What will happen if you encroach ...
4  cards
Perio-endo lesion
What are signs and symptoms of pe...,
What are causes of perio endo les...,
Classification of perio endo lesions
4  cards
OSCE Questions
This 50 year old man attends your...,
Give this patient oh advice,
This patient presents with pain i...
10  cards

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bds5 periodontology osce

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