This class was created by Brainscape user Roisin Mousa. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Diseases of the pulp
Draw out the connection between t...,
What is caries,
What can caries result in
49  cards
Spread of infection
Where can upper anterior teeth in...,
Where can a lateral incisor infec...,
Why is spread of infection to pal...
26  cards
Pre-prosthetic surgery
What are examples of excisional s...,
What is a frenoplasty,
What is the most common frenum th...
27  cards
Third Molars
When do third molars erupt,
When do the upper third molar cro...,
When do the lower third molars be...
121  cards
TMJ Disorders (Dr Naudi)
What type of joint is the tmj,
What encloses the tmj,
Where is the disc located
92  cards
TMJ Disorders (Prof Ayoub)
What is the aetiology of tmjd,
What is macrotrauma,
What is microtrauma
40  cards
Maxillary Sinus
What are the paranasal sinuses li...,
What type of epithelium are paran...,
What is the function of cilia
58  cards
Recent Advancements in Bone Grafting & Dental Implantology
What are the congenital causes of...,
What are congenital causes of bon...,
What are the types of bone graft
21  cards
Fractures of the Mandible
What is the cause of mandibular f...,
What are signs symptoms of mandib...,
What are signs of occlusal derang...
34  cards
Zygomatic fractures
What are maxillofacial fractures ...,
What is a nasoethmoidal fracture,
What nerves are in the superior o...
11  cards
Oral Surgery/Orthodontics
What are the soft tissue procedur...,
What is a frenoplasty,
When is a soft tissue exposure do...
28  cards
H/N Oncology
What are the risk factors for h n...,
Where are oropharynx cancers,
Where are oral cavity cancers
14  cards
Cranio-orbital trauma
What is cranio orbital trauma,
Why do we need to be cautious wit...,
When does the frontal sinus begin...
19  cards
Root Resorption
What is root resoprtion defined as,
What are key features of clastic ...,
What promotes osteoclast formation
44  cards
What is a biopsy,
What is the function of a biopsy,
What are the different tissue sam...
37  cards

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bds4 oral surgery

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