bds3 special care dentistry

This class was created by Brainscape user Roxanne B. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Intro to SCD
Special care dentistry,
Scd groups,
Age for scd
38  cards
disability and legislation
Disability entitlement,
Disability prevalence,
3 concepts of disability
33  cards
Sensory impairment seminar
Sensory impairment,
Dentistry and sensory impairment ...
69  cards
Adult Support and Protection
Who is an adult at risk,
What is meant by risk of harm,
Who can cause harm
78  cards
bariatric care
Overweight and obese,
Bariatric person,
Obesity deaths
53  cards
Liver and renal
A 50 year old male attends your g...,
Potential medical reasons for not...,
Haemstasis processs
54  cards
Describe this soft tissue lesion,
Difference between candidiasis an...,
Radiographic report
79  cards
Condensing osteitis,
Where is the deep caries,
Alpha fibres
23  cards
adults with incapacity
Who has capacity,
What is the adults with incapacit...
39  cards
Non verbal signs of pain,
How to take a history if alzeheimers,
What is this
49  cards
4 aspects of human rights,
Sustainable development and econo...,
Biological vs chronological age
29  cards
intellectual impairment
Learning disability,
Intellectual impairment,
Intellectual disability prevalance
87  cards
If pt tells you reason for teeth ...,
49  cards
mental health
An inpatient with schizphrenia at...,
Cannabis impact on dentistry,
Cannabis impact on cardiovascular...
23  cards
Older people - Francis report, ageing dentition and capacity conundrums
The francis report,
Demographics of age,
Challenges in the ageinig dentition
81  cards
Things people can struggle with i...,
Common medical diseases in the el...,
46  cards
oral health problems in older people
Worry of current population trends,
Categories of diseases that can a...,
Example oral medicine issues in e...
66  cards
Head and Neck Cancer
The role f the dentist and the de...,
Dental team needs to ensure oral ...,
Pt journey who has cancer in rela...
69  cards
intellectual impairment PBL
Asthmatic pt ask,
How to avoid triggering asthma at...,
How can proper suction and use of...
35  cards
What key features should be consi...,
Do you feel you have a responsibi...,
Any legislative framework which e...
50  cards
Disability discrimination act 2005,
Equality act 2010,
9 protected characteristics of eq...
25  cards

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bds3 special care dentistry

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