bds3 special care dentistry

This class was created by Brainscape user Olivia Russell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Adults With Incapacity Symposium
We must never assume in dentistry...,
What age in scotland are people d...,
What is the adults with incapacit...
45  cards
Bariatric Dental Care
What is a bariatric person,
What is meant by overweight obesity,
What is the fundamental cause of ...
11  cards
The Aging Dentition
What are the different stages of ...,
What is the impact of ageing syst...,
What does a good quality of life ...
11  cards
What is considered as old age acc...,
What tasks can people struggle wi...,
What do older people value
25  cards
Oral Medicine in the Elderly
What oral conditions can affect t...,
What are the main conditions you ...,
What occurs if a haemangioma is n...
28  cards
Introduction to Intellectual Impairment
What is a learning disability,
What does intellectual disability...,
What are acceptable labels for le...
21  cards
Intellectual Impairment and Dentistry
What are the barriers to oral hea...,
What individual characteristics c...,
What access
14  cards
Adult Support and Protection
What key legislation incorporates...,
What is the adult support and pro...,
What is the 3 point test to ident...
16  cards
Disability and Legislation
What is an impairment,
What is a disability,
What is disability concerned with
20  cards
Head and Neck Cancer
What is the role of a gdp in canc...,
What guidance can dentists refer ...,
What situations would make a dent...
38  cards
Describe the key features of your...,
Describe the key features of your...,
Are you aware of any legislative ...
16  cards
What local factors can increase a...,
What general factors can increase...,
What is atrial fibrillation
24  cards
Liver & Renal
You extract a tooth from a patien...,
Why does liver disease have a dir...,
In patients with end stage liver ...
7  cards
Neurological Impairment
How do we assess capacity of pati...,
How might someone unable to commu...,
A patient attends your practise a...
5  cards

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bds3 special care dentistry

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