bds3 special care dentistry

This class was created by Brainscape user Cesca Lang. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

1 - An introduction to special care dentistry
What is special care dentistry,
List examples of scd groups,
Define impairment
17  cards
2 - Disability and legislation
What is the equality act 2010,
What are the protected characteri...,
Define direct discrimination
21  cards
3 - Bariatric Dental Care
Define a bariatric person,
Define obesity,
What bmi is defined as overweight
20  cards
4 - Adults with incapacity
What is capacity,
What is the awi act,
Define incapacity legally
24  cards
5 - Ageing dentition
How does lichen planus affect the...,
Who is aspiration pneumonia commo...,
What does qol mean to elderly pat...
10  cards
6 - Dementia
What does who define as old age,
What is dementia,
What are common signs of dementia
18  cards
7 - Living well or just living: OH and QoL of older people
What is the difference between bi...,
Define frailty,
What is the frailty phenotype
8  cards
8 - OM problems in the elderly
What is a haemangioma,
What is a fibroepithelial polyp,
What is black hairy tongue
24  cards
9 - Caring for smiles
What is caring for smiles,
Why is oral care important for ol...,
What are the key messages of cari...
8  cards
10 - Intellectual impairment
Define a learning disability,
What is intellectual functioning,
What is adaptive functioning
16  cards
11 - Intellectual impairment 2
What are barriers to oral healthc...,
How do individual characteristics...,
How does access make oral healthc...
22  cards
12 - Adult support and protection
What is the triage of legislation,
How do you determine an adult at ...,
When are adults deemed to be at r...
13  cards
13 - Head and neck cancer
Describe the patient journey for ...,
What is required of the gdp at th...,
When should gdps refer for a h n ...
36  cards
20  cards
What is atrial fibrillation,
What is diabetes,
What are the dental implications ...
36  cards
What are examples of mobility aids,
What is rheumatoid arthritis,
What is osteoporosis
6  cards
Renal and liver
The safest local anaesthetic drug...,
When providing instructions on fi...,
The liver is responsible for the ...
26  cards
Mental Health
People who use cannabis have the ...,
How can cannabis use lead to acut...,
What is schizoprenia
12  cards
Sensory Impairment
What are common eye diseases,
What are the different types of c...,
What are the treatment options fo...
19  cards

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bds3 special care dentistry

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