This class was created by Brainscape user Laura Ang. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

pulp and dentine
What type of connective tissue is...,
Innervation of pulp,
5 functions of pulp
27  cards
What does the periodontium compri...,
What does the junctional epitheli...,
Does cementum form continuously t...
38  cards
Why is young enamel more white th...,
Enamel thicker at incisal edge an...,
3 properties of surface enamel vs...
24  cards
Intramembranous ossification,
Bundle bone
38  cards
What type of connective tissue is...,
Is cartilage vascular or avascular,
How does nutrients reach cartilage
11  cards
tooth and periodontium practicals
Why is periodontitis hardest to t...,
Why has periodontal space been de...,
What does an increasing hourglass...
40  cards
Diseases of the blood
Function of blood,
Components of blood,
What are thrombocytes
90  cards
CVS medication
Reversible risk factors of cv,
Irreversible risk factors of cv d...,
If high risk of cvs diseases what...
152  cards
chronic CVS diseases
What are values of bp to be consi...,
Risk factors for hypertension,
Which drugs could cause hypertension
73  cards
respi meds
2 components of respi system,
What affects ventilation,
What affects gas exchange
89  cards
gastro meds
Medications used in gi disease,
Examples of antacids,
Function of h2 receptor blockers
84  cards
What can paracetemol poisoning cause,
Why can we use a blood sample to ...,
Effects of acute liver failure
41  cards
Diabetes mellitus vs diabetes ins...,
Type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitu...,
Type 1 vs type 2
41  cards
endocrine diseases
Where is the pituitary gland located,
What does the hypothalamus secrete,
What does the posterior and anter...
71  cards
coagulation disorders
Why do you need to know about the...,
What are safe dental procedures t...,
What are risky procedures that de...
56  cards
renal system
0  cards
chain of infection
Classification of human pathogens,
3cs of virus spreading
27  cards
Transmitted through,
Not transmitted through,
Detection of hiv
26  cards
hep b and c
Is there a vaccine for hepatitus,
Which is a dna virus,
Which hep has pep
51  cards
What is an example of a bacterial...,
Common means of transmission for ...,
Where does the pathogen reside in...
26  cards
Define sepsis,
Is sepsis considered infection,
Qsofa 3 criteria
30  cards
skin and soft tissue infections
Is s aureus gram positive or gram...,
What is the virulence factor of,
What is the virulence factor of
45  cards
Oral Ecology
How does a pathogen,
28  cards
immune therapies
Why do we need to vaccinate,
Usage of immune therapies,
Vaccines are not complately risk ...
39  cards
Which antibiotics s mechansim of ...,
Common antibiotics prescribed in ...,
Is beta lactams penicillin related
62  cards
microbes in blood
Is blood sterile,
Bloodstream infections caused by,
Name of blood stream infection ca...
45  cards
action potential and LA
Resting membrane potential,
Icf or ecf more negative,
Sodium potassium poump
26  cards

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bds2 bams

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