This class was created by Brainscape user Brendan Dreyer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

Azure Definitions
Azure manamnet levels and hierarchy,
Management groups
7  cards
Azure Governance
Azure governance,
Resource groups,
Azure locks
8  cards
Module 1 - Configure Azure Active Directory
What is microsoft entra id,
Microsoft entra benefits and feat...,
Describe microsoft entra id concepts
6  cards
Module 1 - Configure User and Group Accounts
Create user accounts,
Manage user accounts,
Create user groups
7  cards
Module 2 – Configure Subscriptions
Identify regions,
What is a subscription in azure,
Implement azure subscriptions
11  cards
Module 2 – Configure Azure Policy
What is azure policies,
Implement azure policies,
Advantages of azure policies
4  cards
Module 3 - Configure Azure Resources with Tools
Azure portal,
Azure cloud shell,
4  cards
Module 2 - Configure Role based Access control
What is azure rbac,
What are the key components of az...,
Compare azure rbac roles to azure...
10  cards
Module 3 - Configure Resources with ARM templates
Json template schema,
Arm templates advantages,
Arm templates schema
6  cards
Module 4 - Configure Virtual Networks
What is a virtual network,
Why use an azure virtual network,
What is a subnet in azure
6  cards
Module 4 - Configure Network Security Groups
What is a network security group,
In azure what are the default nsg...,
Service tags
6  cards
Module 4 - Configure Azure DNS
1  cards
Module 5 - Configure VNet Peering
Determine vnet peering,
Determine gateway transit and con...,
Create vnet peering
8  cards
Module 6 - Configure Azure Load Balancer
What is a load balancer,
What are the types of load balancers,
Choose a load balancer solution
9  cards
Module 6 - Configure Azure Application Gateway
What is an application gateway,
Implement application gateway,
Determine application gateway rou...
5  cards
Module 6 - Configure Network Watcher
What is a network watcher,
Describe network watcher features,
Review ip flow verify diagnostic s
6  cards
Module 7 - Configure Storage accounts
Explore azure storage services,
Determine storage accounts kinds,
Determine replication strategies
6  cards
Module 7 - Configure Blob Storage
Implement blob storage,
Create blob containers,
Create blob access tiers
6  cards
Module 7 - Configure Storage Security
Create shared access signatures,
Identify uri and sas parameters,
Determine storage service encryption
5  cards
Module 7 - Configure Azure Files
Compare files to blobs,
Manage file shares,
Create file share snapshots
6  cards
Module 8 - Configure Virtual Machines
Cloud services responsibilities,
Plan virtual machines,
Determine vm sizing
8  cards
Module 8 - Configure Virtual Machines Availability
Plan for maintenance and downtime,
Setup availability sets,
Review update and fault domains
7  cards
Module 8 - Configure Virtual Machines Extensions
1  cards
Module 9 - Configure Azure App Service Plans
Implement azure app service plans,
Determine app service plan pricing,
Scale up and scale out the app se...
6  cards
Module 9 - Configure Azure App Service
Implement azure app service,
Create an app service,
Create deployment slots
7  cards
Module 9 - Configure Azure App Container Instances
Compare containers to vm s,
Review azure container instances,
Implement container groups
5  cards
Module 9 - Configure Azure Kubernetes
3  cards
Module 10- Configure File and folder backups
Implement azure backup center,
Configure on prem file and folder...,
Manage the microsoft azure recove...
4  cards
Module 10- Configure Virtual Machine backups
Protect virtual machine data,
Create virtual machine snapshots,
Backup virtual machines
6  cards
Module 11- Configure Azure Monitor
Describe azure monitor key capabi...,
Define metrics and logs,
Describe activity log events
5  cards
Module 11- Configure Azure Alerts
Manage azure monitor alerts,
Create alert rules,
Create action groups
6  cards
Module 11- Configure log analytics
0  cards

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