attachment- paper 1

This class was created by Brainscape user Ella OMara. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Schaffer’s 4 Stages of Attachment
What is the first stage of attach...,
When does the asocial stage take ...,
What are the characteristics of t...
13  cards
Infant-Caregiver Interactions
Why are infant caregiver interact...,
What is the alert phase,
What is reciprocity
7  cards
Lorenz’s Geese Study
Describe lorenz s geese study,
What were lorenz s findings in hi...,
What is imprinting
6  cards
Harlow’s Monkey Study
Describe harlow s monkey study,
Describe harlow s findings,
How did being maternally deprived...
4  cards
Bowlby’s Monotropic Theory
What is bowlby s monotropic theory,
What were bowlby s ideas regardin...,
What a social releasers
5  cards
The Role of the Father
Describe emerson schaffer s findi...,
Describe grossmann s study in the...,
What did grossmann conclude
6  cards
Bowlby’s Theory of Maternal Deprivation
What is deprivation,
What is privation,
What is bowlby s theory of matern...
12  cards
Dollard & Miller’s Learning Theory
What is learning theory,
How can classical conditioning be...,
How can operant conditioning be a...
5  cards
Ainsworth’s Strange Situation
What is the strange situation,
What is the 1st episode of the st...,
What is the 2nd episode of the st...
15  cards
Attachment in Later Life
How does the internal working mod...,
Describe myron wilson smith s att...,
What were myron wilson smith s fi...
7  cards
Institualisation & Attachment
What is institutionalisation,
What is disinhibited attachment,
What does disinhibited attachment...
12  cards
Cultural Variations & Attachment
Describe van ljzendoorn s meta an...,
Did van ljzendoorn find greater v...,
Where did van ljzendoorn find sec...
8  cards

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attachment- paper 1

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