This class was created by Brainscape user Avishka Attanayake. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Typical nuclear sizes,
Radioactive decay,
What is alpha decay
19  cards
Nuclear stability and liquid drop model
What is binding energy,
What is mass defect,
Binding energy equation
16  cards
The Shell model
What is the shell model,
What evidence is there of nuclear...,
How do nucleons differ from elect...
7  cards
Nuclear Fission
What is nuclear fission and how d...,
How was nuclear fission discovere...,
What are the main components of t...
7  cards
Nuclear Fusion
What is the potential advantage o...,
What is the major challenge in ac...,
What is the proton proton chain r...
13  cards
What are the main purposes of nuc...,
Define elastic and inelastic scat...,
What is the impact parameter in c...
10  cards
Nuclear Properties
What experiment led to the discov...,
Explain the concept of parity in ...,
What is the relationship between ...
6  cards
Nuclear Force
Deuterium definition and properties,
Deuterium spin definition abd equ...,
Nuclear force properties
4  cards
Standard model of particle physics
What are the four fundamental int...,
What quantum is believed to media...,
What particles mediate the weak n...
6  cards
Leptonic Interactions
What are virtual particles and wh...,
What are feynman diagrams and wha...,
What conservation laws are associ...
5  cards
What are the conservation laws as...,
Describe the concept of lepton qu...,
What is the cabibbo angle and how...
5  cards
Baryons and Mesons
What is the pauli exclusion princ...,
Describe the symmetry of wavefunc...,
Explain the concept of baryons wi...
5  cards
Particle Accelerators
What were the early methods of pa...,
Explain the basic equations gover...,
How do linear accelerators linacs...
5  cards
Questions based
Half life equation,
Electron capture,
Energy splitting equation
3  cards

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