astronomy and cosmology (intro)

This class was created by Brainscape user Lee Rachel Carlomagno. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

The basics (Lecture 1)
What is an astronomical unit au,
How far away is jupiter in au,
How far away is neptune in au out...
48  cards
History (lectures-
What did the mesopotamians do well,
What was the mathematical system ...,
What were the babylonians contrib...
22  cards
Applied Concepts
What is true about multiple objec...,
What is escape velocity,
What is true about all orbits in ...
9  cards
Waves and such
What is a transverse wave,
What is an electromagnetic wave,
What is frequency
20  cards
What is refraction,
Why is refraction possible if lig...,
What does the angle of refraction...
17  cards
What formulas make up,
Kinetic energy,
Potential energy energy of position
9  cards
Lecture #? (1/29)
Why would tycho not give kepler h...,
When did tycho die,
What did kepler demand about his ...
24  cards
Lecture #5
What does the greek symbol delta ...,
What is required for uniform motion,
What is inertia
6  cards
Formation of the solar system
How much bigger is the sun than t...,
In what way is the density of the...,
What is
17  cards
The earth
What are the layers of the earht,
What is the size of the crust,
What is the distance from the cen...
67  cards
The moon!
When does the moon block the most...,
What is the moon eaths escape vel...,
How much less is the acceleration...
29  cards
What is mercurys orbit like,
When can you see mercury in the sky,
What did mercurys eccentric orbit...
9  cards
Why is venus called earths twin,
What is most unique about venus,
Why does venus rotate the wrong way
12  cards
Why is mars s density kind of stu...,
Why did mars loose its atmosphere,
Mars quick stats
14  cards
What is differentiation,
What are jupiter s main components,
What is jupiter s core made of
15  cards
Space Debris
Kirkwood gaps,
Cassini divison
15  cards
The sun
Radius of the sun,
Mass of the sun,
Rotational period of the sun
11  cards

More about
astronomy and cosmology (intro)

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