
This class was created by Brainscape user nitish reddy. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

.NET basics
Abstract class vs interface,
String vs systemstring,
Are strings immutable in c
70  cards
SQL Basics
What is data definition language,
What are data manipulation langua...,
What are data control language dcl
128  cards
What is linq used for,
How is query evaluated in linq,
What are aggregator methods
24  cards
What is single page web application,
What are the basic building block...,
What is ngmodule in angular
40  cards
Git - CI/ CD
What is continuous integration ci,
What is continuous delivery or co...,
What is a github action
10  cards
What is kadane s algorithm
1  cards
Software Architecture
What is single responsibilty prin...,
Dependency inversion is based on ...,
What is oo
17  cards
How to handle stress,
How to stay away from feeling asleep
2  cards
How many ways css can be applied ...,
What are the different ways of ap...,
Is there any precedence order in ...
32  cards
What are azure vm scale sets,
What is sql server strech database,
Evolution of computing
137  cards
Is blazor client side scripting o...,
How can browser execute c code,
What are blazor hosting models
54  cards
Azure Devops
What is blue green deployment,
What are deployment slots,
What are feature flags
21  cards
What does a task cariable represent,
Why to use async methods,
What happens when a task is awaited
17  cards
.Net EF Core
How to migrate database changes f...,
What happens when you write filte...,
What are the two types of queries
5  cards

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