This class was created by Brainscape user Lydia Nash. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

BIOLOGICAL: assumptions & relationships
What is the biological approach,
What does the theory of evolution...,
Explain the theory of natural sel...
24  cards
BIOLOGICAL: drug therapy
Why is dt an appropriate therapy ...,
What are the 3 components of drug...,
What are the 3 types of dt
14  cards
BIOLOGICAL: Raine Et Al 1997
Explain the methodology of raines...,
Experimental group,
Control group
15  cards
BIOLOGICAL: overall evaluation
Strength determinism,
Strength nomothetic,
Weakness not interactionist
6  cards
PSYCHODYNAMIC: assumptions, relationships and therapy.
Explain the influence of childhoo...,
Explain the unconscious mind assu...,
Define repression projection and ...
18  cards
PSYCHODYNAMIC: Bowlby’s 44 Thieves
Methodology what type of experime...,
What did bowlby s study look at,
Describe the methodology of the t...
25  cards
PSYCHODYNAMIC: overall evaluation
Strength interactionist,
Strength usefulness,
Strength idiographic
6  cards
BEHAVOURIST: assumptions, relationships, therapy
Outline the assumption humans are...,
Outline the assumption behaviour ...,
Outline the assumption behaviour ...
16  cards
BEHAVOURIST: Watson & Rayner 1920
Outline the methodology of watson...,
Outline the procedure,
Outline the findings
11  cards
BEHAVOURIST: overall evaluation
Successful applications
6  cards
COGNITIVE: assumptions, relationship, therapy
Outline the computer analogy assu...,
Outline the assumption of interna...,
Outline the assumption of schemas
14  cards
COGNITIVE: Loftus & Palmer
Explain the methodology of loftus...,
Explain procedure of loftus and p...,
Explain the findings of experiment 1
13  cards
COGNITIVE: overall evaluation
6  cards
POSITIVE: assumptions, relationships & therapy
Outline the acknowledgment of fre...,
Outline the authenticity of goodn...,
Outline focus on the good life
14  cards
POSITIVE: Myers & Diener
Methodology of myers diener,
Findings age
20  cards
POSITIVE: Overall Evaluation
Nature and nature,
Free will
3  cards

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as psych unit1

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