as level social influence

This class was created by Brainscape user Lucas Homer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Lesson 1 Types of conformity
What is social psychology,
What is conformity,
Compliance definition
5  cards
Lesson 2 Explanations for conformity
Two explanations for conformity,
Normative social influence,
Informational social influence
8  cards
Lesson 3 variables affecting conformity
Asch 1951 procedure,
Asch 1951 findings,
How does group size affect confor...
6  cards
Lesson 4 conformity to social roles
What are social roles,
Zimbardo 1973 procedure,
Zimbardo 1973 findings
4  cards
Lesson 5 Obedience to authority
What is obedience,
Milgram 1963 procedure,
Milgram 1963 findings
4  cards
Lesson 6 Situational Variables affecting obedience
Milgram 1974,
Proximity milgram 1974,
Location milgram 1974
4  cards
Lesson 7 Situational explanations of obedience
What is the agentic state,
Factors for agentic state to work...,
Evaluation of agentic state
7  cards
Lesson 8 Dispositional explanations of obedience
Authoritarian personality,
Characteristics of authoritarian ...,
How do you develop an authoritari...
8  cards
Lesson 9 Situational Factors Of Resistance to Social Influence
What is social support,
When are people less likely to co...,
When are people more likely to de...
6  cards
Lesson 10 Dispositional Factors of Resistance to Social Influence
What is locus of control,
What is an internal locus of control,
What is an external locus of control
7  cards
Lesson 11 Minority Influence
What is minority influence,
Why are minority groups most like...,
Process of minority influence
7  cards
Lesson 12 Social Influence Processes in Social Change
What is social change,
Why do minority groups bring abou...,
Process of social change
7  cards

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as level social influence

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