This class was created by Brainscape user Lucy Evans. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (89)

social influence-conformity
Asch s line study aims,
Findings of asch,
Variables investigated by asch
39  cards
social influence- obedience
Milgram 1963 procedure,
Four verbal prods used in milligr...,
Milgram 1963 findings
32  cards
social influence- resistance to social influence
Dissenting peer,
Dissenting partner milgram,
Strength of resting conformity su...
12  cards
social influence- minority influence
Minority influence,
How is minority influence differe...,
16  cards
social influence and social change
Minority influence,
Lessons from drawing attention mi,
Lessons from consistency mi
15  cards
memory- coding capacity and duration
Who was the main person to study ...,
What was the procedure of baddele...,
What was the findings of baddeley...
21  cards
memory- MSM
Who proposed the multi store mode...,
Diagram of the multi store model,
Sensory register in msm
21  cards
memory- LTM types
What are the three stores of ltm,
What does ltm store 1 episodic me...,
How are episodic memories complex
11  cards
memory- WMM
What does the wmm show,
16  cards
memory- interference (explanations for forgetting)
What is interference,
What is proactive interference,
What is retroactive interference
15  cards
memory- retrieval failure (explanations for forgetting)
How does lack of cues cause retri...,
Links between encoded cues and ma...
13  cards
memory- eye witness testimony: misleading information
Who investigated effect of leadin...,
Loftus and palmer 1974 leading qu...,
Loftus and palmer 1974 leading qu...
15  cards
memory- eye witness testimony: anxiety
Who investigated negative affect ...,
Who investigated positive affect ...,
Johnson and scott 1976 anxiety ne...
15  cards
memory- eye witness testimony: the cognitive interview
What s the cognitive interview,
Four techniques used in ci,
Report everything in ci
11  cards
biopsychology- the nervous system
What is the nervous system,
What s the cns,
What is the cns made up of
17  cards
biopsychology- structure and function of neurons
What is a neuron,
How do neurons transmit info,
What do all neurons consist of
15  cards
biopsychology- synaptic transmission
What is synaptic transmission,
What is a synapse,
What is an action potential
11  cards
biopsychology- endocrine system
What is the endocrine system,
Speed of the endocrine system com...,
What is a hormone
11  cards
biopsychology- localisation of function
What does localisation of functio...,
What does lateralisation of funct...,
How does lateralisation of functi...
25  cards
biopsychology- hemispheric lateralisation
Hemispheric lateralisation,
Localisation of function,
Lateralisation of function
25  cards
biopsychology- plasticity and functional recovery
What is plasticity,
What is functional recovery,
Romanian orphans study for plasti...
15  cards
biopsychology- studying the brain
Methods of studying the brain,
What are the 2 types of resolutio...,
How does temporal imaging work
28  cards
biopsychology- circadian rhythms
What are circadian rhythms,
What is an example of a circadian...,
What are endogenous pacemakers
20  cards
biopsychology- infradian and ultradian rhythms
What is an infradian rhythm,
What is an example of an infradia...,
What study explored infradian rhy...
16  cards
biopsychology- fight or flight
1  cards
biopsychology- EZ and EP in the sleep/wake cycle
0  cards
attachment- caregiver-infant interactions
Importance of early interactions,
Two types of interaction,
Interactions involve reciprocity
14  cards
attachment- Schaffers stages of attachment
Stage 1,
Stage 2,
Stage 3
10  cards
attachment- role of the father
Primary attachment role of the fa...,
Secondary attachments with father,
Distinctive role for father
9  cards
attachment- animal studies
Lorenz procedure,
Lorenz findings,
Lorenz conclusions
12  cards
attachment- explanations of attachment: learning theory
Who came up with learning theory,
What s the importance of food in ...,
Role of classical conditioning in...
10  cards
attachment- explanations of attachment: Bowlby's theory
What was bowlby s theory called,
What is monotropy,
Monotropic theory
9  cards
attachment- types of attachment
Who did the strange situation,
Procedure of the strange situation,
Categories used to judge in stran...
12  cards
attachment- cultural variations
Who did a meta analysis on cultur...,
Procedure for meta analysis of va...,
Findings of van izendoorn and kro...
14  cards
attachment- theory of maternal deprivation
Who s theory is maternal deprivation,
Maternal deprivation continued ca...,
Maternal deprivation separation m...
14  cards
attachment- Romanian orphan studies: institutionalisation
Procedure of romanian orphan studies,
Findings of romanian orphan studies,
Conclusion of romanian orphan stu...
13  cards
attachment- influence of early attachment on later relationships
First attachment is a template fo...,
Good attachment good relationship...,
Bad attachment bad relationship e...
12  cards
relationships- evolutionary explanations
What is a relationship,
Natural selection,
Sexual selection
15  cards
relationships- explanations for partner preference
Natural and sexual selection,
Sexual selection,
15  cards
relationships- factors affecting attraction: self-disclosure
Self disclosure,
Social penetration theory s d lim...,
Social penetration theory penetra...
11  cards
relationships- factors affecting attraction: physical attractiveness
Importance of attractiveness faci...,
Importance of attractiveness baby...,
Importance of attractiveness halo...
11  cards
relationships- factors affecting attraction: filter theory
Filter theory,
First filter,
Second filter
10  cards
relationships- theories of romantic relationships: SET
Social exchange theory assumes re...,
Set nature of rewards and costs,
Set cl is measure of profit
13  cards
relationships- theories of romantic relationships: equity theory
Role of equity need for equity in...,
Role of equity,
Role of equity
10  cards
relationships- theories of romantic relationships: Rusbult's model
Investment model an extension of set,
Im commitment results for what th...,
Im commitment results for satisfa...
14  cards
relationships- theories of romantic relationships: Duck's phase model
What are the four phases in ducks...,
What is ducks model a theory of,
What does duck argue each phase has
16  cards
relationships- virtual relationships
Self disclosure,
What are the two opposing theorie...,
Nature of virtual relationships
12  cards
relationships- parasocial relationships
What is the cas and how was it used,
What are the three levels of para...,
Entertainment social level
17  cards
approaches- origins of psychology
Wilhem wundt life,
Wilhelm wundt,
Example of standardised procedure...
14  cards
approaches- learning approaches: behaviourist approach
Focus on observable behaviour only,
Use of controlled lab studies,
Who did they use as experimental ...
18  cards
approaches- learning approaches: SLT
How does slt feel about the behav...,
What is vicarious reinforcement,
How does vicarious reinforcement ...
20  cards
approaches- learning approaches: the cognitive approach
How does cognitive contrast the b...,
How do cognitive psychologists st...,
What are of schemas
11  cards
approaches- biological approach
Everything psychological is first...,
The mind and body for the biologi...,
What s the neurochemical basis of...
15  cards
approaches- psychodynamic approach
What did sigmund freud suggest th...,
What is the pre conscious
26  cards
approaches- humanistic approach
How does the humanistic approach ...,
Maslow s hierarchy of needs highe...,
How does maslow s hierarchy of ne...
15  cards
approaches- comparison of approaches
Behaviourist views on development,
Social learning views on development,
Cognitive approach views on devel...
30  cards
schizophrenia- classification and diagnosis
How prevalent is schizophrenia,
Diagnosis of sz,
Classification of sz
19  cards
schizophrenia- biological explanations
Genetic basis of sz family studies,
Who investigated family studies i...,
Genetic basis of sz candidate genes
14  cards
schizophrenia- psychological explanations
How does family dysfunction cause sz,
What are the two psychological ex...,
How does family dysfunction cause sz
21  cards
schizophrenia- biological treatments
Typical antipsychotics dopamine a...,
Typical antipsychotics block dopa...,
What is an example of a typical a...
12  cards
schizophrenia- psychological treatments
What are the two examples of psyc...,
What is the aim of cbt,
How many sessions are suggested
18  cards
schizophrenia- management of schizophrenia
How did token economies develop i...,
Who identified three categories o...,
What did mason et al 2016 do for ...
13  cards
schizophrenia- interactionist approach
Stress in sz context,
What does the diathesis stress mo...
13  cards
psychopathology- definitions of abnormality: statistical infrequency
How do we define abnormality in t...,
Normal behaviour,
Abnormal behaviour
7  cards
psychopathology- definitions of abnormality: deviation from social norms
How is abnormality defined for de...,
2  cards
research methods- case studies
Case studies,
Who provides the data in case stu...,
Who is often tested in case studies
10  cards
research methods- content analysis and coding
What is content analysis,
What types of communication may b...,
What is the role of coding in con...
7  cards
research methods- experimental method
What s the definition of aims,
What s an operationalised hypothesis,
What s a directional hypothesis
19  cards
research methods- experimental designs
Independant groups,
Evaluation of independent groups,
Ao3 of inderpemdant groups
18  cards
research methods- types of experiment
What is a laboratory experiment,
Evaluate lab experiments,
Ao3 of lab experiments
24  cards
research methods- sampling
What s the definition of population,
29  cards
research methods- ethical issues
What s the issue with conflict wh...,
How is conflict dealt with,
Bps code of conduct
16  cards
research methods- correlations
What is a correlation,
What is a scattergram,
What is a positive correlation
15  cards
research methods- observational techniques
What is an observation,
Evaluation of observations,
Ao3 of observation capture what p...
27  cards
research methods- observational design
Behavioural categories,
Evaluation of behavioural charact...,
Ao3 of behavioural categories
12  cards
research methods- self-report techniques
What are the two types of self re...,
What are questionnaires,
Evaluate questionnaires
17  cards
research methods- self-report design
How do you write,
What is a closed question,
What type of data is a close q
17  cards
research methods- types of data
What is quantitative data,
Evaluation of qualitative data,
Ao3 of qualitative data
20  cards
research methods- measures of central tendency and dispersion
What s the mean,
Evaluation of the mean,
Ao3 of mean
22  cards
research methods- presentation of quantitive data
What are tables,
What are the characteristics of h...
12  cards
research methods- mathematical content
7  cards
research methods- statistical testing: the sign test
What is significance,
What is probability,
What is the accepted level of pro...
11  cards
research methods- peer review
What is a peer review,
What are the aims of the peer review,
Evaluation of the peer review
7  cards
research methods- psychological research and the economy
How has attachments research into...,
How has the development of treatm...
2  cards
Deviation from social norms,
Statistical infrequency,
Failure to function adequately
73  cards
aggression- neural and hormonal mechanisms in aggression
What is the role of the limbic sy...,
What makes up the limbic system,
What is the role of the amygdala ...
23  cards
aggression- genetic factors
Who studies the genetic factors i...,
What did coccaro et al find for d...,
What did coccaro et al find for v...
8  cards
aggression- ethological explanation of aggression
0  cards
aggression- evolutionary explanations
0  cards

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