aqa gcse design and technology

This class was created by Brainscape user Mia Hickman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

A. New and Emerging Technologies
What is automation,
What are robots,
What are robots
38  cards
A. Energy Generation and Storage
How do turbines work to produce e...,
Advantages of fossil fuels,
Disadvantages of fossil fuels
24  cards
A. Development in New Materials
What is graphene,
What is graphene used in,
Properties of titanium
36  cards
A. Systems Approach to Designing
Examples of inputs,
Light dependent resistor,
Pressure sensor
13  cards
A. Mechanical Devices
Linear motion,
Reciprocating motion,
Rotary motion
24  cards
A. Physical and Working Properties
What is the definition of absorbency,
What is the definition of density,
What is the definition of electri...
11  cards
B. Papers and Boards
How is paper measured,
Layout paper,
Tracing paper
57  cards
B. Timbers
What is a hardwood,
What are the properties and uses ...,
What are the properties and uses ...
42  cards
B. Specialist Technical Principles
What aesthetic factors should the...,
What social factors should the de...,
What issues could affect the pric...
27  cards
B. Polymers
What is the difference between th...,
Why are thermoforming plastics ab...,
Why can t thermosetting plastics ...
53  cards
B. Metals
What is a ferrous metal,
What are the types of ferrous metal,
What are the properties of cast iron
44  cards
C. Design Principles
What is primary market research,
What is secondary market research,
What are some examples of primary...
27  cards
C. Work of Designers and Design Companies
0  cards
C. Making principles
What factors do designers need to...,
Why should a designer consider av...,
What should a designer consider a...
4  cards

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aqa gcse design and technology

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