aqa biology [paper 2]

This class was created by Brainscape user Kalos-Trainer Universe. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

Required practicals 🔬🧬🧪
Describe the required practical t...,
Describe the set up for the react...,
Why is a conversion table used
16  cards
Required practicals
0  cards
Required practicals
0  cards
B10- the nervous system 🧠🩻
Fill in the gaps in order to ____...,
What is homeostasis,
What are the internal conditions ...
27  cards
[Part 2]- B10- the nervous system 🧠🩻
What s a key role of the nervous ...,
What s a,
What s a reflex arc
23  cards
[Part 3]- B10- the nervous system 🧠🩻
Explain in detail how impulses tr...,
What s one example of an effector...,
What s another example of an effe...
7  cards
B11- hormonal coordination 🫥🚺🚹
What s the endocrine system,
What can you tell me about the gl...,
What does the pancreas do
22  cards
[Part 2]- B11- hormonal coordination 🫥🚺🚹
How many types of diabetes are there,
How many types of diabetes are there,
How many types of diabetes are there
21  cards
[Part 3]- B11- hormonal coordination 🫥🚺🚹
What s are adrenal glands,
What s one of the main effects of...,
Recap why are both ox
23  cards
[Part 4]- B11- hormonal coordination 🫥🚺🚹
What are the four key hormones in...,
How do the four key hormones,
Recap what s the function of prog...
26  cards
[Part 5]-B11- hormonal coordination 🫥🚺🚹
How do hormonal contraceptives su...,
How does,
How is the hormone in a contracep...
28  cards
[Part 6]-B11- hormonal coordination 🫥🚺🚹
Reacp what day is ovulation,
What s infertility,
What are some reasons for inferti...
17  cards
B12- reproduction 🧬
20  cards
[Part 2]- B12- reproduction 🧬
What s mitosis,
What s meiosis
24  cards
[Part 3]- B12- reproduction 🧬
What does the term genotype mean,
What are alleles,
What does homozygous mean
24  cards
[Part 4]- B12- reproduction 🧬
What is a pedigree,
Using a family tree give one piec...,
What are the two main methods of ...
7  cards
B13- variation 🐶
What does variation mean,
What are the three main causes of...,
How can height be a genetic and e...
27  cards
B13- [Part 2]- variation 🐶
What are the potential benefits o...,
What are the potential risks of g...,
What is the first step in genetic...
7  cards
B14- evolution 🦕
What are fossils,
Name the three ways fossils can form,
What are the conditions for decay
28  cards
B15- Adaptations, interdependence and competition 🦁 🆚 🐆
What does the term population mean,
What is a habitat,
What s a community
21  cards
[Part 2]- B15- Adaptations, interdependence and competition 🦁 🆚 🐆
What is a structural adaptation,
What is a functional adaptation,
What is a behavioural adaptation
23  cards
[Part 3]- B15- Adaptations, interdependence and competition 🦁 🆚 🐆
What is seed dispersal give some ...,
What is seed dispersal give some ...,
What is seed dispersal give some ...
27  cards
[Part 4]- B15- Adaptations, interdependence and competition 🦁 🆚 🐆
Explain how adaptations help an o...,
What are general adaptations that...,
What are general adaptations that...
20  cards
B16- Organising an ecosystem 🥬🐌🦉
What does every food chain start ...,
Why are food chains important,
Why are food chains important
17  cards
[Part 2]- B16- Organising an ecosystem 🥬🐌🦉
What is the carbon cycle,
Describe the processes that take ...,
Describe the processes that take ...
16  cards
[Part 3]- B16- Organising an ecosystem 🥬🐌🦉
What are the two methods of sampling,
Describe how to do random sampling,
How can it be ensured that a quad...
9  cards
B17- Biodiversity and ecosystems ♻️
What is biodiversity,
What is one way that species help...,
What does a high level of biodive...
29  cards
[Part 2]- B17- Biodiversity and ecosystems ♻️
What is a pesticide,
What s a herbicide,
What s a fertiliser
23  cards
[Part 3]- B17- Biodiversity and ecosystems ♻️
What are some examples of how hum...,
How are humans reducing biodiversity,
What are peat bogs and peat lands
29  cards
[Part 4]- B17- Biodiversity and ecosystems ♻️
Describe the processes of the gre...,
Explain in detail the causes and ...,
Explain in detail the causes and ...
17  cards

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aqa biology [paper 2]

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