aqa a-level design & technology: product design revision

This class was created by Brainscape user Rita Sherlock. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (52)

1.1 Mechanical & Physical Properties of Materials
Compressive strength,
Tensile strength,
Bending strength
15  cards
1.2 Classification of Materials
State the seven types of classifi...,
States the three classifications ...,
Define a ferrous metal and give t...
17  cards
1.3 Methods for Investigating and Testing Materials
Describe the simple workshop test...,
Describe the simple workshop test...,
Describe the simple workshop test...
16  cards
1.4 Performance Characteristics of Paper And Boards
What is the standard sizes name f...,
State three properties characteri...,
State the three types of layout p...
27  cards
1.5 Performance Characteristics of Polymer-Based Sheet And Film
State two properties characterist...,
State the two uses of foam board,
State two properties characterist...
16  cards
1.6 Performance Characteristics of Woods
Describe rough sawn,
Describe planed square edge pse,
Describe planed all round par
47  cards
1.7 Performance Characteristics of Metals
Give the 5 stock forms of metals,
Define non ferrous and give three...,
State three properties characteri...
39  cards
1.8 Performance Characteristics of Polymers
Give the 6 stock forms of polymers,
Define thermoplastic and give thr...,
State three properties characteri...
38  cards
1.9 Biodegradable Polymers
Describe biodegradable polymer,
Describe photodegradable,
Describe oxy degradable
18  cards
1.10 Composites
Describe composite,
State three properties characteri...,
State three uses of corn starch p...
17  cards
1.11 Smart Materials
Describe smart materials,
State three properties characteri...,
State three uses of smas
13  cards
1.12 Modern Materials
Define modern materials,
State features of kevlar,
State two uses of kevlar
9  cards
1.13 Enhancement of Materials
Define material enhancement,
State the reason for adding lubri...,
Polymer enhancementstate the reas...
27  cards
1.14 Paper and Board Forming Processes
Define cutting die,
Define creasing rules,
Laser cutting
3  cards
1.15 Polymer Processes
State two features of vacuum forming,
State two features of thermoforming,
State two features of calendering
10  cards
1.16 Metal Processes
Describe the term forming,
Describe the term redistribution,
Describe the term wastage
33  cards
1.17 Wood processes
State the three types of traditio...,
Define knock down kd fitting and ...,
State two
8  cards
1.18 Adhesives and Fixings
Define polyvinyl acetate pva,
Uv hardening adhesive
7  cards
1.19 The Use of Finishes
Paper and boardlamination via enc...,
Paper and boardlamination via a s...,
Paper and boardembossing
49  cards
1.20 Modern Industrial and Commercial Practice
Describe scale of production,
Describe bespoke one off production,
Describe batch production
15  cards
1.21 Digital Design and Manufacture
What is computer aided design cad,
Define computer aided manufacture...,
Define computer numerically contr...
21  cards
1.22 The Requirements for Product Design and Development
Define product design specification,
Accuracy of production,
Critical assessment for new desig...
10  cards
1.23 Health and Safety
Health and safety act 1974,
Control of substance hazardous to...,
Risk assessment
6  cards
1.24 Protecting Designs and Intellectual Property
Define intellectual property ip,
Define intellectual property righ...,
Define copyright
8  cards
1.25 Design for Manufacturing, Maintenance, Repair and Disposal
Reducing the number of manufactur...,
Labelling of materials,
Making products easy to disassemb...
15  cards
1.26 Feasibility Studies
Computer modelling in product pla...
1  cards
1.27 Enterprise and Marketing in the Development of Products
Define customer identification,
Define labelling,
12  cards
1.28 Design Communication
Design reports,
Technical reports,
Name one type for each graph tabl...
13  cards
Exam Style Questions: Performance Characteristics of Paper And Boards
Name two organisation that endors...,
What is the name of the natural c...,
Name a chemical that is used to r...
17  cards
Exam Style Questions: Performance Characteristics of Polymers, Biodegradable Polymers, Polymer-Based Sheet And Film
Explain the difference between th...,
Many polymers are flexible and ca...,
Additives are blended into polyme...
37  cards
Exam Style Questions: Performance Characteristics of Woods
Give one reason why selling mater...,
Give one reason why buying materi...,
Oak is highly prized for its aest...
17  cards
Exam Style Questions: Performance Characteristics of Metals
State advantages and disadvantage...,
State advantages and disadvantage...,
State advantages and disadvantage...
18  cards
Exam Style Questions: Composites, Smart Materials and Modern Materials
Define the term composite 2 marks,
Name two composite materials comm...,
This question is about carbon fib...
18  cards
Exam Style Questions: Paper and Board Forming Processes
Define what is meant by the term ...,
Other than creasing name two oper...,
The prototype of a pop up card sh...
9  cards
Exam Style Questions: Polymer Processes
Explain why extrusion is suitable...,
Extrusion is used to create many ...,
Give one mechanical method of pro...
11  cards
Exam Style Questions: Wood Processes
Which one of the following would ...,
Name two holes that could be dril...,
Explain how the manufacturer coul...
16  cards
Exam Style Questions: Metal Processes
Give three reasons why sand casti...,
Describe the process of wrought i...,
Explain why sand casting is only ...
22  cards
Exam Style Questions: The Use of Finishes
Suggest one advantage one disadva...,
Which one of the following print ...,
Which one of the following best d...
25  cards
2.1 Design Methods and Processes
Iterative design process,
User centred design,
Methods used to achieve ucd stand...
7  cards
2.2 Design Influences, Styles and Movements
What influence art and crafts mov...,
State two features of arts and cr...,
Name one arts and crafts designer
12  cards
2.3 Designers and Their Work
Phillipe starck,
Who created juicy stalif lemon sq...,
Juicy stalif lemon squeezer
18  cards
2.4 Socio-Economic Influence
Socio economics,
Post first world war,
The second world war
9  cards
2.5 Major Developments in Technology
Early 19th century,
Early 20th century,
53  cards
2.6 Social, Moral and Ethical Issues
Corporate social responsibility c...,
Corporate social responsibility c...,
Military technological developments
16  cards
2.7 Product Life Cycle
Product life cycle plc,
Evolution growth
11  cards
2.8 Design Processes
Design brief,
Primary research existing products,
Primary research materials
8  cards
2.9 Critical Analysis and Evaluation
Critical analysis and evaluation,
Product recall
13  cards
2.10 Selecting Appropriate Tools, Equipment and Processes
Visual prototype,
Proof of concept prototype,
Production prototype
3  cards
2.11 Accuracy in Design and Manufacture
Marking out,
9  cards
2.12 Responsible Design
Carbon footprint,
Sustainable development,
Primary carbon footprint
16  cards
2.13 Design for Manufacture and Project Management
Critical path analysis cpa,
Total quality management tqm,
Scrum agile manufacture
13  cards
2.14 National and International Standards in Product Design
British standards institution bsi,
International organisation for st...,
Restriction of hazardous substanc...
16  cards

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aqa a-level design & technology: product design revision

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