approaches to grape growing

This class was created by Brainscape user Amelia Moore. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Conventional Viticulture
What is the aim of conventional v...,
How is conventional viti done,
What are the advantages of conven...
4  cards
Weather and Climate Change
How can weather affect the growin...,
How can climate change affect the...,
How does climate change affect th...
3  cards
Sustainable Viticulture
What is the aim of sustainable vi...,
What does sustainable viticulture...,
What are the advantages of sustai...
4  cards
Organic Viticulture
What is the aim of organic viticu...,
How does organic viticulture work,
What does organic viticulture use...
8  cards
Biodynamic Viticulture
What does biodynamic viticulture ...,
Give an example of biodynamic pra...,
What is preparation 500
6  cards
Precision Viticulture
What is precision viticulture,
How does precision viticulture work,
What is the aim of precision viti...
6  cards
Site Selection
What site selection would be need...,
What factors of site selection wo...,
What other factors need to be con...
4  cards
What is the concept of terroir,
What is the concept of sense of p...,
3  cards
Soil Preparation
Which elements of the soil does t...,
What does the structure of the so...,
How does the gg prepare the soil
4  cards
Planting Materials
Time of budding,
Tolerance of drought
12  cards
Which 4 things can rootstocks hel...,
How can rootstocks help with pests,
How can rootstocks help with water
6  cards
Managing Soil Health
What is soil health,
What is the structure of the soil,
What does organic matter and humu...
4  cards
Organic Fertilisers
What does organic fertilisers con...,
How are cover crops incorporated ...,
What are the advantages of organi...
5  cards
Inorganic Fertilisers
What are inorganic fertilisers,
What are the advantages of inorga...,
What are the disadvantages of ino...
3  cards
What is cultivation,
What are the advantages of cultiv...,
What are the disadvantages of cul...
3  cards
What are herbicides,
How to the different 3 types of h...,
What are the advantages of herbic...
4  cards
Animal Grazing
What are the advantages of animal...,
What are the disadvantages of ani...
2  cards
Cover Crops
What do cover crops do for the vi...,
What are examples of cover crops,
What are the advantages of cover ...
4  cards
What does mulching do,
What are the advantages of mulching,
What are the disadvantages of mul...
3  cards
Sources of Water and Efficiency
How can water efficiency be impro...
1  cards

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approaches to grape growing

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