applied maths

This class was created by Brainscape user Sophie Claydon. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

M1 - Graphs Of Motion
On a displacement time graph what...,
What does the gradient represent ...,
What is the magnitude of velocity...
5  cards
M2 - Constant Acceleration
What does v equal at maximum vert...,
What does the letters in suvat mean,
When the particular returns to or...
5  cards
M3 - Newton's Laws
What is mg,
Finish the equation f x,
What does force represent
10  cards
M4 - 2D Forces
If turning through an angle of x,
If turning away from angle x,
On a table or slope mass is in eq...
8  cards
M5 - Constant Acceleration With Vectors
How can you represent a 3d vector,
How can you represent a 2d vector,
What equation can you use with ve...
5  cards
M6 - Projectiles
When creating a suvat what does u...,
When creating a suvat what does u...,
What do you need to if the questi...
5  cards
M7 - Variable Acceleration
What does dv dt equal,
What does dv dt equal,
How can you get from s to v to a
7  cards
M8 - Moments
Complete the following equation m...,
What are the steps to complete a ...,
What are the steps to complete a ...
3  cards
S1 - Central Tendency and Spread
What is the equation for mean,
What is the equation for the mean...,
What do you need to look for when...
12  cards
S2 - Binomial Distribution
What do you need to include at th...,
What do you do if you have a prob...,
What can discrete distribution be...
8  cards
S3 - Bivariate Data
0  cards
S4 - Probability
0  cards
S5 - Normal Distribution
0  cards
S6 - Statistical Diagrams
0  cards
S7 - Applications of Distributions
0  cards
S8 - Sampling and The Large Data Set
0  cards

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applied maths

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