This class was created by Brainscape user Alex Kellett. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

1. Case Study
What was included in your fee pro...,
Who were the key stakeholders and...,
What did your survey include and ...
47  cards
2. Ethics
What are the 5 rules of conduct,
Give examples for each rule of co...,
Why were the rules of conduct int...
45  cards
5. Health and Safety
What health and safety legislatio...,
What is the importance of the hea...,
How do you ensure you comply with...
57  cards
7. Business Planning
What is a business plan,
Tell me about your involvement wi...,
What does your employers business...
22  cards
10. Diversity, Inclusion and Teamworking
What is diversity,
What is inclusion,
What is the difference between di...
34  cards
11. Inclusive Enviroments
What is an inclusive environment,
What should inclusive environment...,
How do you promote inclusive envi...
18  cards
Key Terms
Relevant event,
Relevant matter,
Liquidated damages
16  cards
13. Building Pathology
What is building pathology,
What types of flat roof material ...,
What is damp
22  cards
14. Construction Tech and Environmental Sciences
How would you determine what foun...,
What are the main types of founda...,
What are shallow foundations
43  cards
15. Contract Administration
What is the role of a contract ad...,
What are the different forms of c...,
Explain the minor works building ...
35  cards
16. Design and Specification
What is the riba plan of work,
What are the stages of riba plan ...,
What are the main outcomes of sta...
24  cards
17. Fire Safety
What is the,
What is included in the regulator...,
What are the responsibilities und...
13  cards
18. Inspection
Colchester institute fire doors w...,
What did you recommend to improve...,
Did you follow or use any guidance
23  cards
19. Legal and Regulatory Compliance
What is importance of the control...,
What is the importance of the hea...,
What is the importance of the con...
24  cards
20. Development / Project Briefs
What is a project brief,
Why are project briefs important,
What is the impact of a project b...
14  cards
21. Project Finance
Examples of effective control pro...,
What is a cost report,
What is a cash flow
11  cards
9. Data Management
0  cards

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