This class was created by Brainscape user Ryan West. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

1D Motion - Definitions
What is displacement,
What is average velocity,
What is instantaneous velocity
7  cards
1D Motion - Kinematic Equations
What symbol is initial velocity,
What symbol is final velocity,
What symbol is displacement
9  cards
1D Motion- position vs. time graphs
How do you tell how far an object...,
How do you tell the velocity on a...,
How do you tell the direction an ...
8  cards
1D Motion- velocity vs. time graphs
How do you determine how fast an ...,
How do you determine the directio...,
Which direction is an object movi...
10  cards
2D Motion - Free Fall
What does acceleration indicate,
What is the acceleration of an ob...,
Does mass affect how fast an obje...
7  cards
2D Motion - Projectiles
What is the vertical y accelerati...,
What is the horizontal x accelera...,
What two directions need to be ke...
8  cards
Force - Net Force & Equilibrium
When is an object at equilibrium,
What is the net force of an objec...,
What is the net force of an objec...
9  cards
Force - Types & FBD
What force is how much gravity ac...,
What measures how much material i...,
What are the units for weight
15  cards
Force - Problem Solving
What is the first step in a force...,
What should you do if a force is ...,
What should be kept separate when...
7  cards
Force - Newton's Laws
What is newtons first law,
What is the tendency of an object...,
What is inertia a measure of
10  cards
Uniform Circular Motion/Force
What is the equation for accelera...,
What direction does acceleration ...,
Why is an object accelerating whe...
6  cards
Gravity & Orbits
What creates gravity,
What direction does gravity act b...,
What is the gravitational force e...
8  cards
Rotation - Kinematics
What is,
What is,
What is
8  cards
Rotation - Torque
What is torque,
What is the equation for torque,
What component of force is used t...
7  cards
Rotation - Inertia
What is rotational inertia,
What is the equation for rotation...,
What is the equation for rotation...
6  cards
What is the equation for linear m...,
What are the units for linear mom...,
How does the direction of an obje...
8  cards
Momentum - Conservation
When is momentum conserved,
What is the total momentum of two...,
What direction for momentum is co...
7  cards
Momentum - Angular
What is the symbol for angular mo...,
What is the equation for angular ...,
When is angular momentum conserved
5  cards
Energy - Types
What is kinetic energy,
What is the equation for kinetic ...,
What is gravitational potential e...
16  cards
Energy - Work
What is work,
What is the equation for work,
When is positive work done
10  cards
SHM - Basics
What is simple harmonic motion,
What are the two most common exam...,
What shape is the position vs tim...
13  cards

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ap physics 1

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