ansc 313 genetics

This class was created by Brainscape user Rachel Salyn. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Animal Breeding and Genetics
Final Exam - April 15
20  cards
Inheritance Patterns
single gene
30  cards
Chromosomal inheritance
Sex traits
11  cards
27  cards
What is a multifactoral disorder,
What is canine malignant lymphoma,
Diabetes in dogs
36  cards
population genetics
What is species,
What is a population,
What is a gene pool
23  cards
How do you select phenotype,
What is the goal of the animal br...,
What is polygenic inheritance
13  cards
Parentage and Forensics
How are populations genetics used...,
What is parentage verification,
What are the characteristics of g...
13  cards
Selection Systems
Who is selected,
How are they selected,
What are correction factors
32  cards
mating systems
What is the animal breeding scheme,
What different types of mating sy...,
Whats the difference within breed...
22  cards
crossbreeding systems
What is a terminal cross,
Whats a 3 way terminal cross,
Whats a 4 way terminal cross
15  cards
Breeding Pyramids
What is a breeding pyramid draw it,
What is the only genetic progress,
What is a closed nucleus breeding...
20  cards
Breeding Values
What is a breeding value,
What does the value depend on,
How do you get phenotype
14  cards
selection via DNA in lifestock
What is snp,
What is linkage,
What is a linkage test
29  cards
QTL mapping
What is qtl mapping,
What is a positional canidate gene,
What is a functional candidate gene
13  cards
What is transgenics,
For it to be a transgenic organis...,
What is transgenic bacteria
18  cards
Reproductive technologies
What is artificial insemination a...,
What is embryo transfer,
What are et calves
11  cards
Livestock selection
What are female reproductive trai...,
What are male reproductive traits,
What are adjsted weights
27  cards
Genetic Disorders in swine
What is porcine stress syndrome,
What is rendement napole,
What is the esr gene
12  cards
What are the two meat breeds from...,
What are the canadian breeds and ...,
What kind of trait are horns
18  cards
What is a dwarf breed,
What is a munchkin,
What is the different in coat length
8  cards
Genetic diversity
How was initial genetic diversity...,
Has selection changed,
What is the genetic drift and wha...
19  cards
At risk
At risk cattle breeds,
Vulnerable cattle breeds,
What is a hays converter
17  cards

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ansc 313 genetics

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