This class was created by Brainscape user Brainscape Admin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Cellulitis and Erysipelas
Define cellulitis,
Define erysipelas,
How common is cellulitis
17  cards
What type of virus is cmv,
How common is cmv seroprevalence,
What are the routes of transmissi...
18  cards
Define herpes simplex virus,
What is hsv1 aka,
What is hsv2 aka and what does it...
16  cards
What are the four stages of untre...,
What do ring enhancing lesions on...,
Which herpes virus causes kaposis...
31  cards
Infectious mononucleosis
Define infectious mononucleosis,
What is the aetiology of im,
How common is im
16  cards
Define malaria,
What is the aetiology of malaria,
What is the mode of transmission ...
16  cards
Neutropenic sepsis
Define neutropenic sepsis,
What is sepsis,
What is febrile neutropenia
12  cards
Erythema multiforme
What is the diagnosis,
Define erythema multiforme,
How common is erythema multiforme
15  cards
Necrotising fasciitis
Define necrotising fasciitis,
What are the types of necrotising...,
What is the aetiology of nf
13  cards
A 20 year old female presents wit...,
What form of psoriasis does this ...,
Which of the listed factors are k...
31  cards
Define chlamydia,
What is the pathophysiology of ch...,
What is the microbiology of chlam...
12  cards
Define gonorrhoea,
How common is gonorrhoea,
What is the incubation period of ...
11  cards
What is the pathophysiology of co...,
List the different medications av...,
What is ronapreve
12  cards
General dermatology
How do you describe any skin lesion,
What is a flat lesion 1cm called,
Describe the features of a macule...
28  cards
Toxic shock syndrome
Define toxic shock syndrome,
Which bacteria commonly trigger tss,
What 2 groups is staphylococcal t...
9  cards
Typhoid fever
Define typhoid fever,
What are the hosts of salmonella ...,
What type of bacteria are salmone...
12  cards
Varicella Zoster
Define varicella s,
What is the epidemiology of vz,
Which human herpesvirus is vzv
16  cards
[6] Urinary Tract Infections
What is a urinary tract infection,
What is cystitis,
What is urethritis
42  cards
[8] Glomerulonephritis
What is glomerulonephritis,
What can glomerulonephritis lead to,
How might glomerulonephritis present
100  cards

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anki infectious diseases

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