animal developmental biology

This class was created by Brainscape user J Hamel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Who was the first to address embr...,
What did aristotle look at to ans...,
What are the 3 variations on anim...
27  cards
Techniques to study development
What are the 3 general steps when...,
What is a fate map,
How is a fate map produced
13  cards
Gene expression
Why does every cell retain its em...,
How does the cell regulate gene e...,
Which modification causes nucleos...
32  cards
Induction and signalling
What is induction,
What was the experiment done by s...,
What did spemanns experiment show
42  cards
Commitment to cell differentiation
What causes a cell to commit to a...,
What do the specific changes to a...,
What are the two levels of commit...
13  cards
Gametogenesis overview
What are the 5 phases in prophase...,
What happens in the leptotene pha...,
What happens in the zygotene phas...
54  cards
Sperm and egg morphology and cell cycle during oogenesis
What are the main features of sperm,
What are the main features of an egg,
What is seen for external protect...
12  cards
What are the 4 stages of fertiliz...,
What is the difference between se...,
Why do sperm need to be activated
29  cards
Developmental patterns in sea urchins
Are sea urchins protostomes or de...,
What is karyokinesis,
What are the 4 types of yolk dist...
39  cards
Which frog species are model orga...,
Why are frogs good model organisms,
What types of studies are frogs n...
65  cards
Where on the egg does fertilizati...,
What type of yolk distribution do...,
What type of cleavage do fish egg...
23  cards
Why is the amniotic egg an import...,
What are the 4 extra embryonic me...,
What is the function of the amnion
38  cards
Why is it difficult to study deve...,
Where does fertilization occur,
Where do the early stages of deve...
38  cards
What is a holometabolous life cycle,
What is hemimetabolous life cycle,
Do flies have a holometabolous or...
64  cards
Hox genes
What are homologs,
What are orthologs,
What are paralogs
14  cards
What is the first major organ typ...,
What germ layer becomes the neura...,
What 3 signals are involved in th...
62  cards
Eye development
Where do the cells of the eye ori...,
What forms the optic vesicle,
How does the optic vesicle become...
21  cards
Neural Crest
What do neural crest cells become,
When are the neural crest cells s...,
What happens to the neural crest ...
31  cards
Mesoderm differentiation and Somitogenesis
What are 4 types of mesoderm,
What does the axial mesoderm become,
What does the paraxial mesoderm b...
30  cards
What are the 3 signals that speci...,
What does shh signalling from the...,
What happens to the dermamyotome ...
20  cards
Limb development
What are the 3 axes of limbs,
What are the 3 types of bones in ...,
Is the limb anatomy of tetrapods ...
45  cards
How much of an organism is able t...,
What are the 4 types of regeneration,
What is compensatory regeneration
12  cards
Why is life span a trade off betw...,
Why isnt longevity an adaptive trait,
What is hutchinson gilford progeria
10  cards
Developmental disruptions
What are 4 types of chromosome is...,
What are the two types of pleiotropy,
What are teratogens
7  cards
Stem cell therapy
What are embryonic stem cells,
What is a totipotent cell,
What is a pluripotent cell
10  cards
Evolution and development
What 3 things does all developmen...,
How did evolution affect hox genes,
What is modularity
13  cards

More about
animal developmental biology

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