This class was created by Brainscape user charlie griffiths. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (34)

Musculoskeletal System
5 functions of the skeleton,
Name all bones in a four legged m...,
What are the axial and appendicul...
45  cards
Digestive System
Why are animals heterotrophic,
How many nutrients are there,
Function of
33  cards
Nervous System
Why is the nervous system important,
What are the 2 nervous system types,
What forms the nervous system
64  cards
Circulatory & Respiratory System
What does blood do,
Structure and function of rbc ery...,
Structure and function of wbc leu...
67  cards
Excretory System
Why is excretion important,
What does the excretory system co...,
Purpose of the excretory system
30  cards
Thermoregulatory System
What is homeostasis,
What s temperature homeostasis,
What s an endothermic animal
23  cards
Describe avian bones,
How are birds adapted 8 adaptations,
Describe bird digestion
51  cards
Reproductive System
What s the function for a male re...,
What s structure of the male repr...,
Describe the prostate gland
58  cards
Animal Cells
What are types of eukaryotic cells,
What are types of prokaryotic cells,
What s the difference between euk...
85  cards
Animal Tissue
What s a cell,
What s a tissue,
What s an organ
83  cards
What are the characteristics of p...,
What are the characteristics of r...,
What are the characteristics of a...
19  cards
Haemoglobin & Oxygen
What s the bohr effect,
Describe haemoglobin,
Describe myoglobin
10  cards
What is the hormone that controls...,
What does oestrogen do,
Where is the progesterone secrete...
24  cards
Muscle Twitch Fibres
How do ft fibres contract,
What are animals with ft fibres g...,
Why are animals with ft fibres go...
21  cards
Responding to the Environment
Whats a voluntary response,
Whats an involuntary response,
Whats the first step of respondin...
9  cards
Tissue Types
What are the 4 tissue types,
What is the function of epithelia...,
Whats the function of connective ...
10  cards
The Eye
What do the eye receptors do,
What are the components of the eye,
Describe the eyelid
34  cards
The Egg Structure
What do eggs provide,
What are the components of the egg,
Whats the function of the shell
13  cards
Blood Vessels
Describe arteries,
Describe capillaries,
Describe veins
5  cards
Gas Exchange in the lungs
Where does gas exchange occur in ...,
Whats the alveoli surrounded by w...,
What process moves the gases in t...
10  cards
Eukaryotic Cell
What is an eukaryotic cell,
What are examples of eukaryotes,
What are the components of a euka...
17  cards
Structure & Function of Blood
What does blood do,
What are the components of blood,
What are red blood cells also kno...
17  cards
Specialised Digestive Systems
What are the 3 specialised digest...,
What are handout fermenters,
How do hindgut fermenters digest ...
18  cards
Adaption & Variation
What is adaptation,
Whats physiological adaptation,
Whats anatomical adaptation
16  cards
Structure of Nervous Tissue
What is nervous tissue,
What does nervous tissue do,
What are the types of nervous tissue
18  cards
The Cardiac Cycle
What is the cardiac cycle,
Why is the double circulatory sys...,
Where does the pulmonary circuit ...
23  cards
The Autonomic System
What is the autonomic nervous sys...,
What is the autonomic system regu...,
What are the 2 components of the ...
16  cards
Regulation of Blood Glucose Levels
What is the blood glucose levels ...,
Why is glucose needed,
What does the pancreas do
7  cards
Roles of Hormones in Parturition & Lactation
What is parturition,
What allows other hormones to eff...,
What happens due to the levels of...
15  cards
Structure of DNA
What is dna formed by,
What does dna carry,
What is the dna made up of
13  cards
Whats osteogenesis imperfecta,
What are musculoskeletal disorders,
What are the 3 musculoskeletal di...
43  cards
Muscle Contraction
What proteins help with muscle co...,
Whats phase 1 of muscular contrac...,
Whats phase 2 of muscular contrac...
9  cards
Active Transport
0  cards
Epithelial Tissue
0  cards

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animal biology

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