anj - authors, birthdates, works

This class was created by Brainscape user Ami Sokol. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

English Baroque (17th century)
John milton
1  cards
English renesance, Elizabethan drama (14th, more 15th - early 17th century)
Geoffrey chaucer,
William shakespeare,
Thomas more
6  cards
English classicism (late 17th century - early 18th century)
Daniel defoe,
Henry fielding,
Johnathan swift
3  cards
English romanticism (late 18th century - early 19th century)
Robert burns,
George gordon byron,
Percy bysshe shelley
4  cards
American romanticism (early 19th century)
Herman melville,
Nathaniel hawthorne
2  cards
English realism, Victorian era (very late 18th century - early 19th century)
Charles dickens,
William makepeace thackeray,
Jane austen
5  cards
American realism (19th century - early 20th century)
Mark twain,
James fenimore cooper
2  cards
Beginnings of detective literature (late 19th century to 20th century)
Agatha christie,
Sir arthur conan doyle
2  cards
Decadence and symbolism in literature (late 19th century)
Edgar allan poe,
Oscar wilde,
Walt whitman
6  cards
Beginnings of modern prose of the 20th century
James joyce,
Virginia woolf,
David herbert lawrence
3  cards
American prose between wars, Lost generation (late 19th to 20th century)
Ernest hemingway,
Scott francis fitzegerald,
Theodore dreiser
3  cards
Social critique through American literature (late 19th century to early 20th century)
John steinbeck,
Harry sinclair lewis,
Henry miller
3  cards
American poetry between wars (late 19th to 20th century)
Robinson jeffers,
Ezra pound
2  cards
English prose between wars (20's century)
Tomas stearns elior,
John galsworthy,
George bernard shaw
3  cards
The Beat generation (50's-60's of the 20th century)
Allan ginsberg,
Jack kerouac,
Lawrence ferlinghetti
5  cards
Angry Young Men (50's of 20th century)
Kingsley amis,
John gerard braine,
John wain
4  cards
Absurd drama (50's of the 20th century)
Samuel beckett,
Edward albee
2  cards
Postmodernism (60's of the 20th century)
Kurt vonnegut,
Vladimir nabokov
2  cards
Other authors of the second half of the 20th century
Anthony burgess,
James clavell,
William gerard golding
26  cards
Sci-fi and fantasy literature (20th century)
George orwell,
John ronald reuel tolkien,
Isaac asimoc
7  cards
Authors of 20th-21st century
Tom stoppard,
Toni morrison,
Nelle harper lee
5  cards

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anj - authors, birthdates, works

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