anatomy - year one

This class was created by Brainscape user Z A. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: Z A

Decks in this class (26)

What is tissue,
What are the four types of tissue,
What are the four types of tissue
75  cards
What is the main function of the ...,
What is spongy bone,
What is spongy bone used for
49  cards
What is a joint,
What are the different structural...,
What are the different functional...
56  cards
Vertebral Column
What is the vertebral column,
Where does the spinal cord run,
How many vertebrae make up the sp...
49  cards
Lab and Workbook
How is the atlas different than o...,
How is the axis different from ot...,
What is the name of the joint bet...
37  cards
What are the functions of muscles,
What are the types of muscle,
Where can you find the skeletal m...
75  cards
How many pairs of nerves exist,
What are the regions of the nerves,
Why are there 7 cervical vertebra...
75  cards
Lymphatic System
What are the functions of the lym...,
What is the lymphatic system,
What makes up the lymphatic system
42  cards
Back Muscles
What do back muscles serve as an ...,
What are the two groups that musc...,
What is the extrinsic group of ba...
26  cards
Spinal Cord and Meninges
What nervous system is the spinal...,
What is the role of the spinal co...,
Where does the adult spinal cord ...
57  cards
Autonomic Nervous System
What is the structural difference...,
Why does the autonomic nervous sy...,
What are the two divisions of the...
42  cards
Important Muscle Functions
17  cards
Respiratory - Bones of the Thorax
What are the bones of the thorax,
How many thoracic vertebrae are t...,
What is the role of the thoracic ...
82  cards
Respiratory - Lung Anatomy
What makes up the upper respirato...,
What makes up the lower respirato...,
What is the basic structural unit...
39  cards
Respiratory - Embryology
When is the pre embryonic phase,
When is the embryonic phase,
When is the foetal phase
19  cards
Respiratory - Histology
What are the four main layers of ...,
What is the trachea,
What keeps the lumen of the trach...
27  cards
Respiratory - Clinical Anatomy
What is asthma,
What causes bronchoconstriction,
What is a pneumothorax
4  cards
Cardiovascular - The Cardiovascular System
What is the role of the cardiovas...,
What do veins arteries and capill...,
What are the two main circulations
148  cards
Cardiovascular - Embryology
When does the cvs begin to develop,
What is vasculogenesis,
What is angiogenesis
19  cards
Respiratory - Embryology
What structures need to be developed,
What do the trachea and lungs dev...,
What gives rise to the primitive ...
5  cards
Cardiology - Histology
What are the three layers of all ...,
What makes up the tunica adventitia,
Why does the tunica adventitia ne...
46  cards
Workbooks and Worksheets
0  cards
What is the term for the fertilis...,
What does the morula turn into,
Development of a human
29  cards
Thorax Joints
What are the different joints of ...,
What are the secondary cartilagin...,
What is the xiphisternal joint
13  cards
Embryological abnormalities
What abnormality can form in the ...,
What is an abnormal bulboventricu...
2  cards
What is the mediastinum,
What is the mediastinum divided u...,
What is the inferior mediastinum ...
13  cards

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anatomy - year one

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