This class was created by Brainscape user Freya Balcombe. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Neuro 1a
What is gray matter composed of,
What is,
Positional terminology for brain ...
26  cards
neuro 1b
Where is the diencephalon,
Nucleus meaning neuroanatomy,
4 components of diencephalon
47  cards
motor pathways W3
What structures does the motor sy...,
Where are cell bodies of lower mo...,
A alpha fibre type function
38  cards
practical 1 neuro intro W2
What passes through the foramen m...,
What passes through the carotid c...,
What passes through the optic canal
48  cards
practical 2 sensory pathways W2
Major sensory pathways and their ...,
Difference between fine and crude...,
Dorsal columns pathway
39  cards
practical 3 motor pathways W3
Which hemisphere is broca s area ...,
Which region of the primary motor...
38  cards
practical 4 cranial nerves summary W4
1st cranial nerve 1 name 2 exit f...,
2nd cranial nerve,
3rd cranial nerve 1 name 2 exit f...
15  cards
practical 4 cranial nerves W4
Which cranial nerves are attached...,
Which cranial nerves are attached...,
Which cranial nerves are attached...
34  cards
spinal cord and autonomic nervous system W5
How do the meninges in the spinal...,
What are the normal contents of t...,
Why is the lumbar cistern clinica...
16  cards
endo 1 W7
Where is the pituitary gland located,
What is the pituitary fossa cover...,
Where are the cell bodies axons a...
31  cards
endo 2 W9
How does the anatomical position ...,
What vessel does the right renal ...,
What vessel does the left renal v...
34  cards
renal/urinary system W2
Which vertebral level do the kidn...,
3 common sites of narrowing in th...,
Features of the bladder
16  cards
anterior abdominal wall W6
Which 3 muscles contribute to the...,
Directions of,
Origin and insertion of internal ...
29  cards
peritoneal cavity W6
What type of sac is the peritoneu...,
Layers of the peritoneum,
Intraperitoneal organs structures
22  cards
the gut tube W7
4 muscles of mastication,
3 divisions of the pharynx,
When does the pharynx become cont...
33  cards
accessory GI organs W9
How is the liver divided externally,
Where is the bare area of the liver,
Impressions on the inferior surfa...
25  cards

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anatomy y2

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