anatomy and physiology

This class was created by Brainscape user Hayley Reynolds. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Chem elements and chem bonds Wk 1
What are chemical elements what a...,
Describe atoms what is their charge,
What creates atomic number
29  cards
Acids, bases, energy levels and chem reactions WK 1
Differ between acids and bases,
Define ph when is it acidic acidi...,
Describe ratio of change between ...
20  cards
Carbon, carbs, lipids and proteins WK 1
What are the 4 categories of carb...,
Listen carbons functional groups
26  cards
Enzymes and their function WK 1
Define enzymes and substrates,
Describe an enzymes structure and...,
Describe enzyme action with images
11  cards
Basic component of a cell and it's organelles WK2
Describe the cell ie its function...,
Describe some cell shapes followi...,
Describe the limit on cell size
25  cards
Plasma membrane, cytoskeleton and transport WK2
Describe the structure and functi...,
Describe membrane lipids,
Describe cholesterol and glycolip...
26  cards
Cellular respiration and metabolism WK3
What is cellular respiration how ...,
Explain the stages of metabolism,
Describe atp structure and functi...
20  cards
Tissues of the body Wk 4
Define tissues vs organs,
Describe cell junctions,
Describe four kinds of cell junct...
10  cards
Anatomical terminology and skeleton functions/sizes and shapes WK 5
Define anatomical planes what are...,
Describe superior cranial and inf...,
Describe anterior ventral as posi...
16  cards
Gross anatomy of human skeleton/vertebrae WK 5
How many bones in human body,
Define the two divisions of the b...,
3  cards

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anatomy and physiology

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