anatomy and physiology

This class was created by Brainscape user Chiamaka Patrick. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Chapter 1: 1.1-1.3
What are the six structural level...,
How many organ systems does the h...,
Describe the chemical level
45  cards
Chapter 1.4 - 1.5
What are the major divisions of t...,
Wha is the axial posterior body c...,
What are the major organs in thor...
24  cards
Chapter 3: 3.1 - 3.3
What is the main component of cyt...,
What are molecular machines in th...,
Why is difussion osmosis necessary
29  cards
Chapter 3: 3.4-3.8: Mitosis, DNA, and Organelles
What are the 3 main components of...,
What are some examples of cytopla...,
What are the 3 main components of...
46  cards
Chapter 2: 2.1 - 2.3 : Chemistry Of Life
What are the subatomic particles,
Describe protons,
Describe neutrons
14  cards
Lab Practical Questions
What is the ventral cavity compos...,
What is the dorsal body cavity co...,
What s the cranial cavity
43  cards
Chapter 2: 2.4 - 2.5 - Chemistry Of Life
What is hydrophilic vs hydrophobic,
What does ph stand for,
What is the hydrogen ion concentr...
23  cards
Chapter 4: : Introduction To Tissues
What s histology,
What is the free surface on the t...,
What are the epithelia cell types...
74  cards
All Quizzes
What s the smallest level of stru...,
Simple to most complex for levels...,
Study of tissues is called
44  cards
Chapter 4: 4.5: End Of Histology and Integumentary System
Greater than one cell becomes a w...,
What is the type of fluid seen be...,
What is the type of fluid seen be...
20  cards
Chapter 7: 7.1 - 7.3: The Skeletal System
What are the parts of the axial s...,
Describe skull,
Describe the vertebral column
61  cards
Chapter 6: Bone Tissue,,
What cells make bone,
What cells breakdown bone,
What structure persists into adul...
51  cards
Chapter 7.4: End Of Skeletal System
What is the name of the only bone...,
What bones are found in the forea...,
When is the radius and ulna in an...
41  cards
Exam 2 Quiz Questions
What bones belong to the axial sk...,
What is the one unpaired facial bone,
What pair of bones meet at the sa...
67  cards
Chapter 8: Articulations
What fiburous joint classificatio...,
What are the 3 main fibrous joint...,
What are the 3
51  cards
Chapter 9: Muscle System
What facial muscles are involved ...,
What facial muscle is involved in...,
What are the muscles involved in ...
46  cards
Chapter 10: Muscle System
What is the plasma membrane calle...,
What is the cytoplasm called in t...,
What is the endoplasmic reticulum...
45  cards
Chapter 12: Nervous System
What is the function of the cereb...,
What does the corpus callosum do,
What happens if the corpus callos...
47  cards
Chapter 13: Peripheral Nervous System
Olafactory nerve number and function,
Optic nerve number and function,
Vestibulocochlear number and func...
34  cards
Chapter 11: Nervous System
What are the nervous system s fun...,
With is the sensory affferent div...,
What is the somatic sensory division
51  cards
Chapter 15: General And Special Senses
The scelera is continuous with wh...,
What part of the eye controls the...,
What are photoreceptors
16  cards
Chapter 14: Autonomic System
0  cards

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anatomy and physiology

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