This class was created by Brainscape user Jovanni Leyva. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (59)

Ch. 12 Nervous System orginization
What are the two general parts of...,
What organs does the central nerv...,
What are the two sub division of ...
12  cards
Ch. 12 Nervous Tissue
What are neurons,
What are the 3 main parts of a ne...,
What is the cell body of a neuron
27  cards
Ch. 13 The brain
What is the cerebrum,
What is the cerebellum,
What is the diencephalon
18  cards
Ch. 13 Diencephalon/forebrain
What are the 3 main parts of the ...,
What is the thalamus,
What is the hypothalamus
4  cards
Ch. 13: Mesencephalon/Midbrain
What is the midbrain,
What is the cerebral aqueduct,
What is the corpora quadrigemina
7  cards
Ch. 13 The hindbrain
What is the cerebellum,
What are the cerebellar hemispheres,
How many lobes are there
8  cards
Chapter 13. Brain protection
What are cranial meninges,
What is the dura matter cranial m...,
What is the arachnoid mater crani...
7  cards
Chapter 13: The Spinal Cord
What is the spinal cord an extens...,
What is the average diameter of t...,
What is the cervical enargement
8  cards
Chapter 13: The spinal cords internal structure
What are the 2 main areas of the ...,
What is the white matter made up of,
What are the 3 pairs of anatomica...
16  cards
Chapter 14 Cranial Nerves
What are cranial nerves,
What nerve sets are primally or o...,
What nerves are primarily motor
16  cards
Chapter 14: Spinal nerves
Cervical nerves,
How many thoracic nerves are there,
How many lumbar nerves are there
6  cards
ch.14 spinal nerve branches
Dorsal root,
Ventral roots,
Dorsal ramus
6  cards
ch. 14 nerve plexuses
4 networks of nerves formed from ...,
What is the cervical plexus,
What is the phrenic nerve
10  cards
Cell Body Lab Labeling
Point out the cell body,
Point out the nucleus,
Point out the dendrites
8  cards
Human Brain Model Lab
Where is the cerebrum,
Point out the longitudinal fissure,
Point out the central sulcus
14  cards
Chapter 18 Blood: Blood Composition
What is plasma,
What are formed elements,
What is the formation of blood ca...
34  cards
Histology of blood cells lab
What kind of blood cell is this,
What kind of blood cell is this,
What kind of blood cell is this
7  cards
Chapter 19: Intro to the heart
What is the heart,
Where is the heart located,
How many chambers does the heart ...
13  cards
Chapter 19: Blood flow into, through, and out of the heart
What is red blood,
What is blue blood,
Where are the superior vena cava ...
30  cards
Heart model lab
What artery is this,
What part of the aortic artery is...,
What is this part of the heart ca...
22  cards
Internal view of ventricles lab
What are the areas that are being...,
What is attached to the chordae t...,
What is this extension of the cho...
6  cards
Arteries flat man lab
What artery is this,
What artery is this,
What artery is this
18  cards
Model of median section of the head
What tonsil is this,
What tonsil is this,
What tonsil is this
4  cards
torso model lab
3  cards
sagittal head model
What cavity is this,
What part of the pharynx is this,
What part of the pharynx is this
6  cards
larynx trachea model
What cartilage is this,
What cartilage is this,
What ligament is this
7  cards
Chapter 23: The Digestive System processes/functions
What is ingestion,
What is propulsion,
What is mechanical breakdown dige...
9  cards
Chapter 23 The digestive system: the mouth
How many cavities does the mouth ...,
What are the accessory organs of ...,
What are the functions of the mouth
31  cards
Chapter 23 the digestive system: The stomach
Where is the stomach located,
How many functions does the stoma...,
What happens during the propulsio...
20  cards
Chapter 23 Digestive System- The liver
Where is the liver located,
What is the function of the liver...,
How many lobes does the liver have
6  cards
Chapter 23: The digestive system: gallbladder
What is the gallbladder,
What is the function of the gallb...,
Is the general structure of the g...
4  cards
Chapter 23 the digestive system: pancreas
Where is the pancreas located,
What is the function of the pancr...,
What is the body region of the pa...
6  cards
Chapter 23 the digestive system: the small intestin
Where is the small intestine located,
What are the main functions of th...,
How many sub divisions does the s...
8  cards
Chapter 23 the digestive system: large intestine
Where is the large intestine located,
What are the functions of the lar...,
What is the cecum of the large in...
16  cards
Chapter 24: The urinary system
What are the general functions of...,
What are the 4 other more specifi...,
Where are the kidneys located
7  cards
Chapter 6: Bone and Skeletal Tissues
What role does movement play in t...,
How does the skeletal system func...
9  cards
Chapter 6: Classification of bones by shape/structure
How many groups of bones are ther...,
What are the characteristics of a...,
What is the structure of a long bone
12  cards
Chapter 6: Bone markings; projections that are sites of muscle and ligament attachment
8  cards
Chapter 6; bone markings surfaces that form joints
3  cards
Chapter 6; bone markings: depressions and opening
What is the function of depressio...,
Foramen foramina,
Groove sulcus
8  cards
Chapter 6: bone tissues
How many types of bone tissue are...,
What is compact bone,
What is trabeculae of spongy bone
5  cards
Chapter 6: bone formation/ossification
How many forms of bone formation ...,
What is intramembranous ossification,
Step 1 of intramembranous ossific...
12  cards
Chapter 7: The axial skeleton; skull bones and general questions about the region
How many bones are in the axial s...,
How many parts of the axial skele...,
How many skull bones are there
18  cards
Chapter 7: Axial skeleton; facial bones and related parts
How many facial bones are there,
Lacrimal bones,
Zygomatic bones
16  cards
Chapter 7: axial skeleton; associated bones
What are associated,
What are associated bones of the ...,
Hyoid bone
4  cards
Chapter 7: Axial skeleton; the vertebral column
How many bones are in the vertebr...,
How many vertebrae are in the cer...,
What is the transverse foramen
23  cards
Chapter 7: Axial skeleton; thoracic cage/thorax
What is the sternum and how many ...,
How many bones are in the thoraci...,
What muscle attaches to the xipho...
7  cards
Chapter 8: The appendicular skeleton (pectoral/shoulder girdle
Pendicular skeleton,
How many bones are in the ap,
How many bones are in the pectora...
9  cards
Chapter 8 the appendicular skeleton; upper limbs
How many bones are there in the u...,
Greater tubercle
26  cards
Chapter 8: appendicular skeleton; pelvic girdle
How many bones are there in the p...,
What are the 6 bones found during...,
What are coxal bones os coxae
14  cards
Chapter 8: appendicular skeleton; lower limbs
How many bones are in the lower l...,
What does the head of the femur a...
27  cards
Chapter 9: Joints intro + joints classified by movement
What are the functions of joints,
What are the 3 classifications fo...,
How are joints classified
6  cards
Chapter 9: joints classified by structure
What are the 3 joints classified ...,
Fibrous joints,
Are fibrous joints immovable slig...
19  cards
Chapter 9: Joints; movements allowed at synovial joints
Gliding joints,
19  cards
Chapter 9: joints; types of synovial joints associated with movement
Types of synovial joints,
Nonaxial synovial joints,
Uniaxial movement synovial joint
18  cards
Skull Lab
What part of the skull is this,
What part of the skull is this,
What bone on the skull is this
13  cards
Vertebrae lab
What kind of vertebrae is this,
What kind of vertebrae is this
6  cards
Axial Skeleton lab
What are these,
What kind of cartilage is this,
What is this
3  cards
Knee Joint Lab
What bone is this,
What bone is this,
What bone is this
12  cards

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