This class was created by Brainscape user Coca Pepsiclassic. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Module 1-Organization of the Human Body
What is anatomy,
What is physiology,
What is organization of the body
34  cards
Module 2-Chemistry of Life
What is matter,
What are atoms,
What is an element
21  cards
Module 3-Cells and the Microbiome
What are the 5 types of cells,
What are nerve cells,
What are muscle cells
39  cards
Module 4-Tissues
What is tissues,
What are the four main categories...,
What does epithelial tissue do
39  cards
Module 5-Integumentary Systems
What does the epidermis consists of,
Where is the epidermis found,
Does the epidermis has blood vessels
22  cards
Module 6-Overview of the Nervous System and Sense Organs
What composes the central nervous...,
What composes the peripheral nerv...,
What is the role of oligodendrocytes
67  cards
Module 7-Overview of the Endocrine System
What is the name of the chemicals...,
What is the difference between th...,
Where is the pituitary gland found
50  cards
Module 8- Overview of blood, cardiovascular and respiratory systems
What are the main functions and c...,
What makes 55 of blood,
What makes 45 of blood
121  cards
Module 9-Overview of the Lymphatic System and Immunity
What are the functions of the lym...,
What is lymph,
What is the role of the valves in...
32  cards
Module 10- Urinary system, Fluids, Electrolytes and Acid-Base Balance
What are the structures of the ur...,
Where are the kidneys found,
What is the name of the inner reg...
31  cards
Module 11-Overview of the Digestive System
What is a gi tract,
The accessory digestive organs in...,
What is the peritoneum
36  cards
Module 12-Overview of the Muscular and Skeletal Systems
Explain the following functions o...,
45  cards
Nervous system
What does the nervous system cons...,
What are the division of the nerv...,
What does the cns consists of
38  cards
Cranial nerves
Olfactory nerve and is it s or m,
Optic and is it s or m,
14  cards
Respitory system
What is the function of the upper...,
What is the function of the lower...,
What is nasopharynx
6  cards
What muscles are involved in insp...,
What does external intercostal do,
What does internal intercostas
94  cards
Urinary System
What are the functions of the uri...,
What does the urinary system cons...,
What is the main function of the ...
22  cards
Module 19- Fluid, Electrolyte, and pH balance
0  cards

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