This class was created by Brainscape user Amina Qureshi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Bones and bony landmarks of the pelvis
What 3 bones make up the pelvic g...,
Which bone is the sacrum,
Which bone is the coccyx
35  cards
Bones and bony landmarks of the shoulder joint: Scapula and clavicle
Which 3 bones make up the shoulde...,
What bony structure does the cost...,
Where is the subscapular fossa an...
17  cards
Bones and bony landmarks of upper arm and shoulder joint: Humerus
What bony landmark of the scapula...,
What landmark separates the humer...,
Where is the greater tuberosity o...
23  cards
Nerve supply of upper arm: Brachial plexus
Does the brachial plexus supply t...,
Does the brachial plexus innervat...,
Which 5 spinal segmental levels f...
47  cards
Anterior muscles of the upper arm
What nerve innervates all of the ...,
What are the 3 anterior muscles o...,
How many heads does biceps brachi...
15  cards
Posterior muscles of the upper arm
What is the only posterior muscle...,
How many heads does triceps brach...,
Which nerve innervates triceps br...
8  cards
Bones and bony landmarks in forearm: Radius and ulna
Where is the radial head and desc...,
Is the thickness of the radial he...,
Describe the shape and location o...
15  cards
Superficial, intermediate, deep muscles of anterior forearm
Where is the flexor carpi ulnaris...,
What 3 bony structures does the f...,
What are the 2 actions of the fle...
29  cards
Superficial and deep muscles of posterior forearm
What are the 5 deep muscles of th...,
What nerve supplies all of the mu...,
Where is brachioradialis and what...
29  cards
Bones and bony landmarks of the spine: vertebral column
How many bones are there in the v...,
In the vertebral column what stru...,
What are the 5 regions of the ver...
31  cards
Spinal muscles
1  cards

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