This class was created by Brainscape user Victor Remley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

106  cards
"Skeleetal system"
Chondrocranium in embryo,
129  cards
Eevolution of limbs
When did we move to land,
Why did we move to land
11  cards
connective tissue
What are the connective tissues,
What is cell origin of ct,
Loose connective tissue made of
27  cards
Types of muscles real quick,
Skeletal muscle allll membranes,
2 types of skeletal muscles
53  cards
Oral glands evolution,
Mammal salivary gland types,
Salivary secreting cell types
48  cards
respiratory system
O2 conc in seawater vs air,
Tunicates and cephalochordate res...,
Who has external gills
34  cards
Circulatory system parts,
Blood components,
Lymphocyte purposes
26  cards
Metabolic waste types,
Waste path out of body,
How much body water is ecf
26  cards
all of the fucking muscles
Shark facial muscles from rostral,
Shark deep muscles medial to lateral,
Eye muscles add insertion origin
27  cards
lab quiz - digestion and respiration
Shark rectal gland,
Shark gall bladder,
Mink gall bladder
20  cards
reproduction... yucky
Asexual reproduction in chordates,
Bird chromosomes
52  cards
nervous system
Cns origin,
Pns origin
95  cards
circulation (lab)
Blood flow in mammals pathway,
Blood flow pathway sharks,
Pleural cavity
47  cards
nerveys and reproduction for lab
Cn 1,
Cn 2,
Cn 3
55  cards
regen and pineal
Physiological regeneration
20  cards

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