This class was created by Brainscape user Hope Vonder Brink. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

What does rostral mean,
What does caudal mean,
What is gray matter
50  cards
What is a conjunctiva,
What do tears help with,
Where do tears flow through
24  cards
Autonomic Nervous System
What is the autonomic nervous system,
What is another name for the ans,
What are the primary organs of th...
37  cards
What side of the heart is the pul...,
What side of the heart is the sys...,
What is the middle of the heart c...
160  cards
Heart Lab
What are the parts of the stethes...,
What is the difference between th...,
Where do you hear the pulmonary v...
16  cards
What is blood,
What is plasma,
What are the formed elements of b...
92  cards
Blood Vessels
What do arteries do,
What do veins do,
What do capillaries do
93  cards
Lymphatic and Immune System
What is the immune system,
What is the lymphatic system and ...,
How does fluid recovery work
82  cards
Respiratory System
What is the main purpose of the c...,
What are the functions of respira...,
What are the principal organs of ...
82  cards
Urinary System
What is the urinary system s func...,
What do kidneys also do general,
What does the urinary system cons...
94  cards
Digestive System
What are the 5 stages of digestion,
What is mechanical digestion and ...,
What is chemical digestion and wh...
72  cards
What are the 4 principal mechanis...,
What is the endocrine system,
What are endocrine glands
49  cards
Male Reproductive
What are the primary and secondar...,
What are the external and interna...,
What are the secondary sex charac...
24  cards
Female Reproductive
0  cards

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