This class was created by Brainscape user Amanda Shaw. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Lower Limb Muscles - Origins and Insertions
Psoas minor,
Psoas major,
41  cards
Hip Bony Landmaks
What attaches to the landmark, what it joins or what passes through it.
27  cards
Femur bony landmarks
Head of the femur what does it join,
Fovea capitis1 ligament,
Neck of the femur what attaches t...
13  cards
Ligaments of the Hip & Knee
Attachments of ligaments and function (action prevention)
24  cards
Hip & Knee Muscle Actions
Actions of muscles that act on the hip and knee
28  cards
Bony landmarks of the tibia and fibula
Medial condyle of the tibia joint to,
Lateral condyle of the tibia join...,
Intercondylar eminence ligament
15  cards
Bony Landmarks of the ankle and foot
Trochlea of the talus what does i...,
Head of the talus what does it join,
Sulcus tali what does it join to ...
14  cards
Ligaments of the leg, ankle and foot
Attachments of ligaments and function (action prevention)
16  cards
Muscles of the Leg, Ankle and Foot - Actions
23  cards
What are the 8 stages of gate wha...,
During walking what percentage of...,
During walking what percentage of...
6  cards
Muscles of the back, abdomen and neck actions
Splenius capitus,
Splenius cervicis,
6  cards
Nerves of the Lumbar and Sacral Plexus
What forms the lumbar plexus,
What forms the sacral plexus,
What roots form the iliohypogastr...
22  cards
What is the dominant motor innerv...,
What is the dominant motor innerv...,
What is the dominant motor innerv...
16  cards

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Amanda Shaw's Anatomy flashcards for their Curtin university class now!

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