american history 1

This class was created by Brainscape user Michael Hale. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Ch. 01- Pre-Columbian Societies (The First American)
Before Columbus’s arrival, the Americas were home to several vibrant civilizations. This deck describes the Indian empires of Mesoamerica, the southwest, and the Mississippi River Valley.
10  cards
Ch. 02- Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690
The English, French, Dutch, and Spanish each engaged in significant colonial efforts. This deck describes their attempts to establish permanent outposts in the New World, the arrival of the settlers, Jamestown and Plymouth Bay, and the birth of religious liberty in British North America.
54  cards
Ch. 03- Colonial North America, 1690-1754
During the 16th and 17th centuries British North America continued to expand, developing its own economy and political institutions. This deck covers the early period of the American colonies.
1  cards
Ch. 04- American Revolution, 1754-1789
Beginning with the French and Indian War, this deck describes the growing American resistance to British rule, the Declaration of Independence, the Revolutionary War, and the establishment of the United States as one nation.
0  cards
Ch. 05- Early Republic, 1789-1815
The new American nation was beset by difficulties both at home and abroad. This deck covers the Presidencies of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison.
0  cards
Ch. 06- Antebellum America: Economy
This deck describes the changes in the American economy in the years before the Civil War, as it was transformed by new inventions, proto-industrialization, and efforts to increase trade.
0  cards
Ch. 07- Antebellum America: Politics
As the Era of Good Feelings ended, the American political scene in the antebellum period was dominated by the struggle between the Jacksonian Democrats and the Whigs. This deck reviews the rise of judicial federalism, tariff controversies, the struggle for states’ rights, and the Bank War.
0  cards
Ch. 08- Antebellum America: Society
This deck covers the religious and cultural developments in Antebellum America, including Evangelical protestant revivalism, social reforms, ideals of domesticity, and the rise of a uniquely American form of artistic and literary expression.
0  cards
Ch. 09- Manifest Destiny
New immigrants and the search for greater opportunities drove America’s great push westward. This deck describes Americans' belief in a Manifest Destiny, the Mexican American War, and interactions with Indian tribes west of the Mississippi River.
0  cards
Ch. 10- Crisis of the Union
In the decade before the Civil War, America faced new struggles, sectionalism, tensions over slavery, and efforts to digest the lands acquired in the Mexican American War. This deck covers the period from the Compromise of 1850 to the election of Abraham Lincoln.
0  cards
Ch. 11- Civil War
This deck reviews the specific events, military strategies, and sociopolitical and economic effects of the Civil War, and includes the drive towards Emancipation.
0  cards
Ch. 12- Reconstruction
Beginning with the plans of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, this deck describes Northern attempts to remake the South and ensure African American civil rights. The deck concludes with the presidential election of 1876 and the removal of the last federal troops from the South.
0  cards
Ch. 13- Origins of the New South
This deck describes the efforts of Southerners to rebuild their economy and offset African American civil and political advances in the years after Reconstruction.
0  cards

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american history 1

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