This class was created by Brainscape user Alice Downes. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Protest and Reaction
Why did congress pass the civil r...,
Pros and cons of civil rights act...,
Causes events and consequences of...
16  cards
Social and Political Change
Why did nixon attempt to infiltra...
1  cards
Republican Dominance and it's Opponents
0  cards
urabnisation and affluence
What was the culural and economic...,
How did car ownership change america,
What were the big three car manuf...
12  cards
cultural conformity and challenge
How was the eisenhower years char...,
How was the conformity of the eis...,
What was the organisation man
17  cards
civil rights movement 50s
How were balck americans politica...,
How were black americans economic...,
What was the aims of the naacp wh...
16  cards
Kennedy's new frontier
0  cards
Civil Rights 60s
0  cards
Johnson's "great society"
0  cards
protest and personal freedom
0  cards
reactions to counter-culture
0  cards
crisis of political leadership
What was watergate,
How did nixon obstruct justice,
What were the three main areas of...
9  cards
impact of economic change
0  cards
changing popular culutre
0  cards
progress in individual and civil rights
0  cards
new directions in economic policy
What was unique about regan as a ...,
What was regan s view on the grea...,
How did regan s 1981 polcies effe...
7  cards
the Religious right
0  cards
cultural change
0  cards
social change
0  cards
1who was president in the years 1...,
Who was president in the years 19...,
Who was president in the years be...
7  cards

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