This class was created by Brainscape user Selina Tudose. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Chapter 4 - cardiac causes of cardiac arrest
What are the 3 types of acs,
What is the definition of acs,
What causes acs pathophysiology
35  cards
Advanced life support algorithm chapter 6
What is the sequence of treatment...,
When can further amiodarone be gi...,
When is pericardial thump recomme...
19  cards
chapter 7 - airway management and ventilation
Most common site of obstruction i...,
Causes of pharynx obstruction,
Causes of larynx obstruction
14  cards
chapter 9 - defibrillation
What is the mechanism of defibril...,
What are the three features of a ...,
What influences the delivered cur...
10  cards
chapter 11 - peri-arrest arrhythmias
What are some features of peri ar...,
Why are extreme tachycardias bad,
Describe the adult tachycardia al...
39  cards
chapter 12- resuscitation in special circumstances
Causes of hyperkalaemia,
Ecg changes associated with hyper...,
Management of hyperkalaemia princ...
33  cards
chapter 02- non-technical resuscitation skills
Name the 4 important non technica...,
What does sbard stand for,
What does rsvp stand for
3  cards
chapter 05 - in hospital cardiac arrest
What is the algorithm for a colla...,
Describe high quality chest compr...,
In which cases should you perform...
5  cards
chapter 8 - read the rhythm strip
What 6 steps should be taken to r...,
How to calculate the ventricular ...,
If the qrs is prolonged where doe...
8  cards
chapter 10- pacing
What are the methods of non invas...,
What are the methods of invasive ...,
How do you perform percussion pacing
7  cards
chapter 13- post resuscitation care
What are the 4 post cardiac arres...,
What is the algorithm for adult p...,
What is the icu management in adu...
13  cards
MCQ questions
What is the usual electrical capt...,
Is sodium bicarbonate usually rec...,
Is adrenaline associated with lon...
16  cards

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