alevel psychology aqa

This class was created by Brainscape user Jodie Hancock. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

research methods
What are some experimental resear...,
What are some non experimental re...,
What is content analysis
41  cards
ltm memory and msm
What are the 3 types of ltm,
What is the definition of memory,
What is semantic ltm
33  cards
What is attachment,
What is needed for an attachment ...,
What are the ways children show t...
26  cards
ss and cultural variations in attachment
What are the characteristics of s...,
Characteristics of insecure avoid...,
Characteristics of insecure resis...
14  cards
types of forgetting and ewt
What is forgetting,
What are the 2 types of interference,
What is proactive interference
22  cards
cognitive interview
What is cognitive interview,
What are the 4 methods used in co...,
What are the characteristics of a...
9  cards
the origins for psychology
What is empiricism,
What is introspection,
What is the scientific method
12  cards
behaviourist approach
What is the fundamental belief of...,
What is the main methodology for ...,
What else is key about the behavi...
16  cards
Definition of social influence,
What is conformity def,
What are the 3 types of conformity
19  cards
What is obedience,
What are the 4 factors that affec...,
What does the proximity of the au...
28  cards
psychodynamic approach
Who was it developed by,
What is the fundamental belief,
What does it emphasise
39  cards
humanistic approach
What is the fundamental belief,
Methodology of humanistic approach,
Who was it developed by
12  cards
minority influence
Why can t minority groups influen...,
What is the process by which mino...,
3  cards
psychopathology-definitions of abormality
What are the 4 definitions of abn...,
Definition of statistical infrequ...,
3  cards

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alevel psychology aqa

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