This class was created by Brainscape user Phoebe Gillis. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

What is the function of the rough...,
What is the function of the smoot...,
What is the function of the golgi...
16  cards
What is a polymer,
How are monomers often joined tog...,
What is lost in condensation reac...
20  cards
Are lipids insoluble in water,
What solvents are lipids soluble in,
What are the main groups of lipids
14  cards
gym rat lover
What type of bond is between protein,
How many types of proteins are there,
What is a primary protein structu...
14  cards
eww look you're all zyme
What type of proteins are enzymes,
What are catalysts,
Do the free energies of the produ...
21  cards
Cell fractionation and dattttt
Define homogenisation,
What does a centrifuge do,
Which organelle will separate off...
4  cards
Thumbs it up
What is the max magnification of ...,
What is the max resolution of a l...,
Tem max meg and resol
7  cards
Wow is that is NEWclaic acid?!
What is the structure of a nucleo...,
What are some examples of nucleic...,
How are the components of nucleot...
17  cards
What is the purpose of mitosis,
What is interphase,
What are the four phases of mitos...
17  cards
pro vs euk
What are three differences betwee...,
2  cards
1 in 2
What is cancer,
What does metastasis,
Why are mutated cells different f...
7  cards
bye later ( phospholipid)
Is the head hydrophobic or hydrop...,
Is the pho,
What is the cell surface membrane
20  cards
What does a hypertonic solution mean,
What is a isotonic solution,
Define hypotonic
4  cards
atp aznd water
What is atp made from,
What are the bonds like between t...,
What happens when you break the b...
21  cards
What is an antigen,
How does phagocytosis occur
2  cards
im (not) muing system
What happens during the cell medi...,
What happens during the humoral r...,
Where are t cells matured
27  cards
What is a histone,
Do prokaryotic cells have histone...,
When dna is wrapped a histone wha...
15  cards
What are some examples of passive...,
What are some examples of active ...,
Why do small organisms not have g...
6  cards

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alevel bio ;)

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