This class was created by Brainscape user Ella MacCulloch. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Kinematic relationships
0  cards
Angular Motion
0  cards
Rotational Dynamics
0  cards
What is gravitational field strength,
What are reference frames that ar...,
What is inertia
20  cards
General Relativity
What is general relativity,
What is general relativity,
What are reference frames that ar...
22  cards
Stellar Physics
Using the assumption that stars b...,
Stars are formed in,
The stages in the proton proton c...
11  cards
Particles from space
What are cosmic rays composed of,
What is a cosmic ray generally ac...,
What do cosmic rays interact with
19  cards
Simple Harmonic Motion
What is the definition of simple ...,
When displacement is up which way...,
When displacement is down which w...
8  cards
Quantum mechanics
What is black body radiation,
What is the photoelectric effect,
What is quantum theory
6  cards
Stationary waves are formed by,
A stationary wave can bedescribed...,
What are fixed points of zero amp...
7  cards
If 2 waves are coherent if they h...,
If waves meet in phase what happens,
What happens when waves meet out ...
6  cards
What is meant by a plane polarise...,
What is the effect of polarisers ...,
What is the effect of analysers o...
5  cards
Definition of gravitational field...,
Definition of moment of inertia o...,
Definition of the gravitational p...
14  cards
Unknown areas
Explain that consideration of cen...,
State what is meant by the moment...,
What is torque defined as
4  cards

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ah physics

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